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Spencer POV:


Aria:Hey Spenc how's em?

Me: A little better but is still upset.

Aria: I hate seeing an like this.

Me: So do I it's so heart breaking.

Aria:I swear I'm going to kill Alison.

Me: Let's not do that ar..We don't wanna go to jail.

Aria:But there's one thing that bothers me.

Me: What?

Aria:  Alison Doesn't have that light in her eyes any more..Almost like she is lifeless.

Me:I don't really care for alison.

Aria: I know but,She's your sister Spencer.

Me: I know she's my sister but I still don't care she has broken emily.

Aria: What ever spenc.I have to go Mona just got here.

Me: bye

Aria: Bye.

How can aria Say that?! She was there when Alison was calling Emily stuff and when she was screaming at me!

"I can't believe her!" I yelled to myself not aware Emily was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Who?" Emily asked quietly.

"Its nothing babe." I said.

"You wouldn't be mad if it was nothing." She said.

"How are you feeling?" I ask completely ignoring what she said.

"Babe Tell me." Emily said kinda yelling.

I stay silent.

"Now Spencer!" She said basically yelling.

"Its non of your god damn Buisness." I said.

"Wow." Is all she said before grabbing her keys and storming out the door.

"Fucking great" I mumbled.

I walk over to the kitchen and see a sticky note on the fridge.

"Miss Me? ~A.D"

"Who the hell is A.D?" I ask my self,this note wasn't here before Emily left so maybe They came in while we were fighting. I can't deal with this shit right now. First Alison comes back. Then aria is telling me to be nice  to Ali and help her. Then Me and Emily get in a fight. Now there is A.D!
Can this get any worse!?

Yes,it can!

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