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Once Mother Goose had calmed down, they arrived at The Fairy Palace with one snap of her finger.

Chance, who had brought Cinderella and Hope (Destiny was left in the safe arms of the palace maids), smiled wistfully at the palace.

"I haven't been here since...last week, actually," he chuckled.

Cinderella laughed. "Well, time does move quite quickly around here, when we're all off on quests and such."

Hope grinned up at The Fairy Palace. "May I go in the room as well?" she asked as politely as she could.

Mother Goose smiled softly at the young girl. She looked up and met the eye of Cinderella and Chance, who were nodding reluctantly. "Certainly," she told Hope.

Hope smiled. "Thank you," she said, but her eyes glistened happily. She held her mother's hand as they walked in.


Emerelda and the rest of The Fairy Council were shocked to hear the news.

"The Lady of the Lake..." Rosette asked. "She's quite a stubborn character, why does she want to rule Camelot so badly?"

Mother Goose glanced at Merlin, who shook his head. No need for those explanations just yet. "We're not sure yet," Mother Goose lied.

Emerelda's lower lip stuck out a little bit as she thought. "Well, we could always use some adventure." She finally said. "Come, fairies, to our respective chambers. We're going to pack!"

Chance smiled, and pulled Emerelda over as the others left to get ready for battle. "Thank you so much for doing this...I haven't seen Claire in so long. She was just a baby when she went missing..." he wiped a lone tear that had fallen.

Emerelda smiled, and touched Chance's cheek. "No worries, Chance. You're an old friend." she left Chance and went upstairs to collect her stuff.

When The Fairy Council came downstairs from packing, Mother Goose imagined Camelot and twirled her wand. She opened her eyes to see that it had worked!

Hope gasped. "Wow, this place is great," she said in awe.

Cinderella smiled. "It is indeed," she replied. "The trees look so gorgeous, it reminds me of times when I was a young girl."

Mother Goose turned to her friends. "The cabin is just in the woods a few miles away. It won't take us long,"

And with that, they were off.


Once they arrived at the cabin, they saw Conner, Bree, Red, Morina, Alex, Guinevere and Arthur sitting on the couch and chatting.

Alex was the first to notice them. "Hey!" she called. "You guys made it back...Emerelda!" she was tackled in hugs by The Fairy Council.

"Where have you been?" Emerelda cried, but her eyes were happy. "You've been gone for so long."

"I'm sorry," Alex said. "I had some...issues to deal with." She glanced at Arthur, and then ashamed, looked down on to her lap.

"Well, we're all glad you're alright," Emerelda said, and The Fairy Council nodded.

Alex smiled, her heart fluttering. She was annoyed at herself for leaving everyone who cared for her, but she was glad they did care for as much as to come looking for her.

"We've been talking about our plan," Alex started.

"What is it?" Merlin asked, as he sat down on one of the stools.

"Before I say, I need to ask you something Merlin," Alex said. The question had been bugging her for a long time.

"Yes?" Merlin said.

"Where does the Lady of the Lake live?"

Merlin had to think about it for a moment. "Well, I suppose in the lake. There must be some hideout underneath, because she disappears anytime someone comes close to entering the lake."

Alex sighed in relief. "Thanks," she said. "You don't know how much I was agonizing over it."

Conner nudged his sister. "Alex?" he said.

"Yes, Conner?" Alex was totally oblivious to everyone staring at her.

"Continue your explanation!"

Alex shook herself out of the daze she had previously been in.

"Oh, right." She said, and everyone laughed. Alex smiled. "We decided to split into groups," she said. "Guinevere, Bree and I are going to sneak into Nimue's hideout, where we hope we'll find Princess Claire, Yukon, and Diamond."

Chance bit his lip when he heard Claire's name. He missed his baby sister so much, he felt guilty he didn't let his brothers in on this. But it was for the best.

"And then," Conner interrupted. "I'll go with Red and Morina and we'll take Arthur as bait."

"Bait," Arthur repeated, still getting the hang of it. "I've never been used as bait before."

"We're not actually going to leave you there! Once we take Yukon, Claire and Diamond back to the cottage we'll come back for you." Alex explained.

Arthur nodded, and smiled kindly at Alex. He really thought she looked nice today. "Okay," he said softly.

"Anyways," Conner said impatiently. "We'll trade Arthur for...let's say maybe some jewels?" Conner shrugged.

Red nodded. "I'd love some exotic jewels! I hope Froggy likes them!"

Morina nodded. "And then we're going to send out the signal to The Fairy Council, who will attack the Lady of the Lake and make sure she's imprisoned."

"That seems like a good idea," Violetta piped up.

Xanthous nodded. "I think we can do that."

"What about us?" Chance demanded, motioning to him and his family. "We want to help too. We didn't come here for nothing."

Alex thought for a moment. "You can stay here and wait for us to return with Claire, Diamond and Yukon. Then Mother Goose and you can take them back to their respective homes."

She paused and looked at Merlin. "And we need you to stay here, be on the lookout, because if something goes wrong, we'll need you to convince the Lady of the Lake."

Merlin nodded. "I'm up for that," he said. "But hopefully nothing will go wrong."

Everyone nodded. They got up from their chairs and seats and put their hands together in a circle. "TO ALEX!" they cried.

Alex blushed bashfully, still not getting used to all the compliments thrown her way. 

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