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Bree stepped out of the mirror, tumbling almost. She was shocked to see her dorm mates, Enna, Lisa, Max, Jackson, Kelsey and Chelsea there, staring at the witch with horns.

"Oh my god, Bree, where were you?" Kelsey and Chelsea, the identical red-head twins, cried in shock. "And who is she?" they backed away, too horrified to even comprehend what had just happened.

"Didn't you see my note?" Bree asked. She turned to the fridge to see if the note she had left was still there. It wasn't. "What happened to it?" she spun around, her blonde hair whipping her in the face. She was furious! What had happened to her note?

Enna's cheeks became a deep red. "Oh, sorry," she apologized, blushing. "I threw it away; I thought it was some kind of joke."

"Seriously, Enna," Lisa snapped. "It's not April 1st!" she smacked Enna's arm.

"Never mind that," Jackson said, narrowing his eyes at Bree. "How did you come out of that mirror?"

Bree inwardly sighed. She didn't know how to explain this to them. That's when she got an idea. "This is my friend, Morina. We're in the play The Wizard of Oz, she's the wicked witch. We borrowed that mirror from the set designer a couple months ago to try it out. It connects to the theatre." She hated lying to her friends, but she wasn't ready to tell them the truth.

Max squealed. "Omg, I LOVE The Wizard of Oz. When I was a little kid, all I wanted to do was watch that movie over and over again. It was the best of times," he gushed.

Bree made a face. "Right...okay," she said. "Well, Morina and I are going to go now, so, bye." They turned and left out the back door.


Conner sat in one of the chairs in the security room. Emerelda stood behind him, teaching him how to use all the equipment. Red sat beside him, her eyes wide. She was very excited to learn about all this new equipment. The rest of the monarchs were waiting nervously in the hallway.

Conner clicked a few random buttons, but the old fashioned computer did nothing other than beep angrily. "Oh, I know!" he cried. "I can go get the camera and insert the SD card into the computer, brilliant!" he patted himself on the back.

"The camera is hidden somewhere that you will never find, Conner," Emerelda warned him. But Conner and Red had already scurried off, their shoes squeaking down the hallway. Emerelda sighed, fluttered her wings, and followed them out the door.

"Did you find anything yet?" Queen Cinderella asked hopefully, and Chance nodded enthusiastically.

"Nothing yet," Emerelda called over her shoulder. "We'll be back!" she continued to fly after Red and Emerelda.

Conner burst through the doors of the old library, with Red and Emerelda hot on his trail. Red ran over to one of the back corners, jumped onto a table and reached for the highest bookshelf where it looked like something black was sitting.

"That's not the camera, Red-" Emerelda said, just as Red tumbled off the unstable table.

"Ouch!" Red said, startled. She bounced right back up. "Sorry about that. Let's keep looking!" she said, glad that her dress had saved her from the mighty fall.

Conner went on the opposite side that Red had and jumped onto the ladder, and grabbed at something that also looked like a camera.

Emerelda flew past him, not bothering to tell him that wasn't the camera. She flew up to the second floor and found the section Z-1. She stopped flying and started walking, and then moved to the last book in the whole library, Zoos and Zebras. It was a children's book for Hope, Ash and Destiny. She opened the book to the last page. It read; the camera you seek is where you must reek. Emerelda shivered at her own word choice.

She closed the book and put it back in the bookshelf. Then, Emerelda flew to the attic of the library where the bathroom's were. She opened up the toilet seat and fished around for the camera. Finally, she found it. "Ah hah!" She cried, satisfied. "Conner, Red-I found the camera!" Her voice echoed throughout the whole library.

Emerelda flew down head first and met Conner and Red by the door. "Where was it?" Conner asked.

"Oh, nowhere..." Emerelda trailed off, then flew past them and down the hall back to the security room.

Conner and Red glanced at each other, and then bolted out the door, following Emerelda. "Wait up!" They said in unison and continued running.

Conner smiled. He was finally going to know what happened to Bree Campbell.

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