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“Howdy Tori.” Ashton said as he pulled me into his lap. Ashton, he was my boyfriend of two years. I am in love with him. He’s my world. Ashton and I were complicated. Before we started dating, he stole kisses from me and I would sneak out at night to be with him. We are always arguing, but no matter how mad we are at each other we always find our way back. I didn’t want to get into a relationship with him at first and I can’t exactly remember why anymore. Ashton was my everything besides Lilian. Love is crazy how it can do that to you. I mean when we met I was the shy girl with braid pigtails and glasses, he was the drummer in a boy band, it just didn’t add up, but it worked now.

“ Was it a good visit?” He asked trying not to get too detailed and emotional.

“It was nice to say goodbye. Luke happened to be there same time as me, so ew rode here together.” I said as i twirled his curls between his fingers and planted a soft kiss on him cheek.

Before Ashton could say anymore Calum spoke up. “Is everyone packed for tomorrow? We leave at ten in the morning to London. I want everyone to double check everything.” Calum was always the mom of the group. He was only a couple months older than me but, for a 18 year old boy he was very mature. Anyways, we were heading to London tomorrow. The boys go on tour again in couple of days. When Lilian died they were on their first tour. I didn’t, and couldn’t go with them, Lilian was getting worse. The boys knew that she was getting worse but, we weren’t going to let that stop them. Lilian insisted that Luke went.  I remember it like it was yesterday. Lili was in the hospital. It was April. Luke came to tell her about the tour. I had left the room to get water, and on my way back I heard them talking. I didn’t enter I just listened and it broke my heart  to hear what she said to him.

“ We’re going on tour Lil.” Luke said.

“That’s amazing! I am so proud of you! You are going to go so far!” She said right before she started coughing.

“I am not going. Lil you're sick and I can’t leave until you get better.”

“Luke you have to live your dream. I’ll be fine.”

“But I want to be here to see you get better. I-”

“Luke!” Lilian tried to yell, but her voice was hoarse. “Luke, I am dying. I will be dead soon. My life is not compatible with yours. We were lucky enough to have met, let alone fall in love. Luke if you don’t go. I’ll die earlier of a broken heart. I can’t hold you back from your dreams.”

“Lilian,” He said “our plane leaves tomorrow at noon. Babe, I can’t leave you, that is why I wait till now to tell you. I wanted every moment with you to be perfect till I left.” You could hear it in his voice he was trying not to cry.

‘And it was perfect! I will always love you but, I need you to go. I need you to let go of me.” He didn’t reply. I peeked around the corner to see him climbing on to the hospital bed with her. I watched him hold her one last time before going to on his first tour in the States.

This is why Luke hates tours. He wasn’t there in Australia the day she died. He feels guilty. He feels as if something bad will always happen when he leaves. “Tori, tells us about London.’ Michael demand. They had never been to London, for their first tour was in the states.

“Well I don’t recall much, Michael I was only 5 when we lived there and it was only for about 10 months. Though school wasn’t too bad. I really liked the city at night. I could see the London Eye from my bedroom window, and at night when my mom told us to go to bed I would quietly get up and look out my window. That is all I can recall though.’ I told truthfully. Ash was the only other person who knew story, not that it was a secret, we was just the only one to ask.

“Well lads, I think we’ll have a blast. Did you hear about the party Louis Tomlinson is throwing, the day after we arrive?” Ash pitched in.

“I heard about that one, I think it’ll be a good one. We should go.” Cal said, for a mature boy he liked his parties.

“I am in. I think I’ll dye my hair that night. Maybe a blue? Tor you down to help?”

“No way, not after the last time I helped you Michael. I had a pink smear on my cheek for a week.”

“ Pink is your color. What can I say?’

“Children, I want to go to this party. So are we all down?” Luke piped up. He’s always been a drinker. For a 17 year old he knew how to party. That bothered Lilian but, Luke liked to have fun.

“I’m all for a couple of drinks. Tori?”Ash said.

“Um I don’t know guys.”

“Victoria! I need my drinking buddy!” Calum whined with a pouty face.

“Fine but, if I wake up with a killer migraine I am coming for blood Calum.”

“It’s settled, now everyone go double check your bags!”

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