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I woke up in Ashton’s bed. I was alone, just like I was when I fell asleep. I had absolutely no idea where he went. I rolled over to grab my phone and check the time. It was eight in the morning. I had four hours to do nothing. I had already packed two days ago and I said bye to my mom. I non-optimistically got out of bed. As I did so Ashton’s shirt covered my thighs, just like it always did. I walked into the bathroom and wanted to scream when I saw my reflection. I had racoon eyes from my eyeliner I didn’t wash off and my lipstick was smeared across my face. In other words I looked like a train wreck.

I decided to take a shower. I put on some music. I took Ashton’s shirt off, only a bra and shorts covered me now. I started to brush my hair as the water warmed up. Singing along to Beyonce, as I continued to brush out my rats nest. I hadn’t heard the bedroom door open or close, I was not ready when I saw Ashton leaning in the bathroom doorway with a small smirk on his face.

“Oh please don’t let me interrupt. I was enjoying the show.” He said as he walked over to me. I smiled at him. As soon as he reached me I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and hugged him.

“I’m sorry for being a bitch. I should open up to you more. You were right.” I confessed.

“Tori, I was in the wrong. I shouldn’t make you open up to me. I should be there when you need me though. I’m sorry.’ We just looked at each other for a short moment before he hugged me. “I love you Victoria Jones. I always will.’  I responded by kissing him on the lips that tasted of oranges. I pulled away, and let go. “ I better get packing.” He said and left. I sighed and smiled to myself. He’s too perfect.

As I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I didn’t bring my clothes in with me, so I had no choice but to walk to my suitcase on Ash’s bed. Drying off my wet body, I was now just naked with a towel in my hair searching for clothes for some clothes for the day. I came across high waisted white shorts and a red tanktop and I grabbed my zip up hoodie. We’d be on a plane most the day so I only put on some eye makeup and I headed down the stairs.

“Tori, it’s ten you have thirty minutes to eat, brush your teeth and get you suitcase in the car.” Calum informed me. I answered him with a simply nod and walked towards the fridge.

“We don’t have milk!’ Michael said while he walked into the kitchen with a sing song voice.  

“Why’s that? We bought some yesterday.” I asked.

“Well lets just say I like my cereal and coffee.”

“You also like having gas because that’s all you’re going to have on the plane. You’re sitting next to Sally right? The hot hair stylist.”

“Oh my gosh. What have I done?!” He yelled and ran out of the kitchen. He thinks she is so hot. She is a 28 year old women with two kids and a husband. Michael was one of the best advice givers I know but, he was girl crazy. I just think, he thinks he needs to have a thing for every girl he sees until he meets ‘the one’. Calum finished his breakfast and put the dishes in the sink.

“20 minutes.” He stated. You could hear two sets of feet on the stairs. One was Calum and the other I was unsure of. At least for now.

I decided on a plain bagel with cream cheese and tea. While I put the cream cheese on my warm bagel I feel the a set of strong arms wrap around me. “Come down for breakfast Ash?”

“Yup.” That voice didn’t belong to Ashton no, it belonged to the one and only Luke Hemmings. Lucas hadn’t done anything like this since we were thirteen. He use to act so lovey around me when we were in the early years of our preteen lives. You could say it was something I missed because Luke was the brother I never had. Once Ashton and I became something he stopped being all over me, and soon he fell in love with Lilian.

‘Luke,” I giggled as his hair touched my face and he kissed my shoulder. I stopped. What was I doing? This is Luke, I shouldn’t be giggling when he kisses my shoulder I should be freaking out. I am in love with Ashton and still pissed at him for laugh night. “I have to go see Ash, he’s upstairs waiting for me.” I said to Luke as I wiggled my way my way out of his grasp. I took a bite of the bagel and made my way up the stairs. I bumped into Michael on my way. Who gave me a glare for what I said to him earlier. I was finally at Ash’s door, and opened it to reveal a tall, fit, man with a towel around his waist loosely and hair dripping on the floor.

“Stop drooling Tori.” He said and let out a small laugh. “You could of had this last night but, no.” He said sarcastically. I let out a little sigh. Placing my bagel on the dresser and walking over to him I just took in his features. His dimples that showed whenever he moved his mouth, his green eyes, that sparkled when he was under any sort of light. The sound of his giddy laugh that put a smile on everyone’s face. I loved this boy, I will always love this boy.

“I can have you whenever I want.” I whispered in Ashtons ear, as I kissed right under his ear. I wasn’t going to have this go anywhere, but a tease never hurt anyone. He let out a moan and put his hands on my hips.

“Victoria, I know you too well. I know when you are teasing me.” With that he kissed my nose, grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom. I couldn’t help but smile, I am really in love with this idiot.

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