He's leaving home

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John woke up with a small puddle of drool in the corner of his lip, squinting his eyes and feeling a small burn. He sat up and heard the buzz of the neon sign above his head. He swiped his thumb under his mouth and cracked his back. A half full glass of beer sat adjacent to his curled arms. The bar hadn't been the most comfortable place he'd slept but not the worst. His bar mates had all cleared out last night and he assumed Joe the bartender had let him sleep. Again, he wiped his eyes and glanced at the clock. A moments panic rushed him as he realized he was about to be late to school. Not caring too much to say anything to Joe, wherever the bastard was, he shot out and ran to his car. He threw himself inside and sped off almost instantaneously.

When he pulled up to the school, he had about four minutes to go to his locker and get himself to class. He normally wouldn't care too much about being late but another one would cause him to have to stay after and his day off yesterday made this threat for a tardy what would cost him. He hadn't been expecting Cynthia and Stuart leaning against his locker, Cyn with her watch in front of her face. "Oi! Lennon where were you yesterday?"

"Went to have a smoke with Mick, Cyn. Don't get yer knickers in a twist." John rolled his eyes. Cynthia's eyes followed In the direction of the smooth black wing on her eyelid, watching John force his books out from the locker.

"Where was my invite?" Stuart chuckled behind her. Job pursed his lips as he shut the locker.

"You were probably too busy kissing up to Astrid, right?" He squinted his already small eyes. Stuart shook his head and John took the chance to walk off. He could hear Cyns huff as she turned the opposite direction. He rolled his eyes and headed straight for Mr. Epstein's class with a grimace.

George hopped over the curb and untwisted the strap of his bag that dug into his shoulder. He'd been much chipper this morning. He curled his hand tighter around his cup of tea and sipped it slowly to avoid burning himself.

Paul wasn't entirely sure he could make it through school but there was no avoiding it. Linda was trying to show off that she'd remembered the hand movements for the song they were learning but stopped when Paul wasn't really looking. "Aren't you amazed Paul?" She asked sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes with a tight grin. "Maybe."

George was turning the corner when he felt himself smack right into someone which was never a good thing when you had steaming tea in your hand. "Oh, I'm so sorry I-"

Paul felt hot tea drip down the length of his shirt and looked up with a glare to find a muttering George in front of him.  For a moment, he was at a loss for words which Linda took the time to dismiss herself. "S'fine, I have a jacket in my locker." Paul said, rubbing down the front of his shirt.

"I'm sorry, mate-" George tried to cut himself off before he instinctively called Paul that but he had no luck. He swallowed hard as Paul sighed.

"Listen George, I know I did a shitty thing but is it really worth all this?" Paul spoke up and George furrowed his brows.

"You should've kept yer mouth shut. My business is not for you to tell anyone. God, Paul you really embarrassed me." George whisper yelled and Paul pulled uncomfortably at the collar of his shirt.

"I know that George. Believe me you didn't let me get away with it. We haven't been civil let alone spoken too each other in who knows how long?" Paul narrowed his eyes. "You think I don't miss you?"

George frowned. "You constantly had to reassure me you thought of me as a friend when we were still civil, so how do you think I felt when we weren't speaking?" 

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