Got to get you into my life

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Paul got to George's home still lingering with a smugness in each spring of his step. But as he was let into George's home by his mother he fell back into his nerves. He smiled kindly at George's mother and went the short route up the stairs to George's room. Though he never usually knocked, this time he gave a soft knock. "Come in."

George was sitting on the far end of his bed and when Paul walked in, he subconsciously started to pick at the skin around his nails. Paul knew sitting way on the the other side would be awkward but he did it anyway.

"When did you sleep with John?"

Paul felt his cheeks dust with a blush and hopes for his sake that it faded. "Just after the party."

George's face looked suddenly confused and looked between Paul's eyes, eliciting Paul with shame that he couldn't even look him in the eyes. "Weren't you chatting up with another lad?"

The question sifted in Paul's chest. "Well, sort off..." Paul trailed off and looked down at the bed.

"So how...?"

"Well the lad, Pete. He uh..I don't think he had good intentions. And John came over and sent him off." Paul waved his hand about. "Then he walked with me...and I told you the rest." He shrugged.

"Well I'm gonna move on..." George said slowly. Paul ran his tongue over his lips and nodded.

"Yeah." But then they were both silent. Neither wanting to bring up the still fresh subject.

"So how long have you had feelings...?" Paul again trailed off as George put his face in his hand. But he got a embarrassing glimpse of his red hued cheeks. "You wanted to talk about..."

George tore his head up and nodded. "I know, Paul but this isn't exactly comfortable for me." A thick swallow clogged George's throats and he coughed again. Paul frowned.

George rolled his eyes. "I have a cold, should've warned ya, I guess." George scoffed, standing and walking over to his dresser. Paul turned his body and strained his hand, laying it on the bed to keep his place.

"Im not this huge bitch, George." George broke a few tissues free and clouded the dust around his fingertips, he shrugged.

Paul clicked his tongue and slowly turned back to face the wall opposite of George. "Can you just-uh!" George threw down his tissues and came round, sitting at Paul's side.

"When you sang me the unfinished version of 'And I love her'"

Paul furrowed his brows "what-?"

"That's when the feelings started." George awkwardly fidgeted.

"Last year during tutoring?" Paul's voice was a painful shock. George breathed in and nodded, needles in his chest. Paul nodded as well, dragging his hand down his chin, thumb pressed hard into his skin.

"Can we move back?" George piped up and Paul eagerly nodded. "So, what made John call ya a slut?" He asked.

"Well.." Paul's face grew sore and George looked very confused. "We...he-I was talking about-" Paul forced himself to make eye contact and he sat back horrified and watched as George's face corrupted with realization.

"Did you tell him that I-?"

Paul cut him off with a shameful nod. His face looked deeply panicked. "Piss off, Paul!" He stood up but didn't move off from his spot. Paul sat still, stinging in his eyes.

"But it was eating at me, Geo-"

"Shove the fuck of Paul! It was killing me as well. But life isn't the dandy sunset that you're living in. Take off your rose tinted glass, mate! My secrets aren't for you to tell!"

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