Don't Let Me Down

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Paul licked his lips and switched hands, allowing John to start painting his other hand. "It'll be harmless, he just wants to meet you and-"

"Have me in?" John scowled, turning back down and glazing the brush over Paul's nail. Paul rolled his eyes.

"He liked ya at first, just be charming and not so...." Paul trailed off.

"Myself?" John smirked. Paul reached over and pinched him. "Aye, watch the nails, that's hard work!" John inspected Paul's nails, satisfied that they weren't mucked up.

"You see George today?" Paul asked, pulling his hand back. John shrugged and twisted the bottle closed.

"Nah, but I'll talk to him. I promise." John got up and made his way round the table. Paul waved his hands a bit to dry them quickly while John searched the shelves of the library aimlessly.

While he did so, Paul pulled out his phone and opening Snapchat. He was just sort of looking at himself.

John came back, unaware that Paul was evening recording and teasingly hit him over the head with the book. "Ow."

John bent down and kissed the top of his head. "Don't be a baby." John laughed. He came back around and sat back down across from him. Paul looked down at his phone again and smiled.

"John??" Paul asked slyly. John peeked up at him curiously.

"What??" John frowned and Paul shoved his phone into John's face. What replayed was their moment for a few seconds ago. John scowled.

"Can I put it on my story?" Paul asked with big puppy eyes. John huffed.

"No Paul."

"Why not? It's cute, it's us in a nutshell I think." Paul mumbled sadly and John rolled his eyes again.

"It's embarrassing." John crossed his arms.

"It's embarrassing that you love me?" Paul teased and fluttered his eyes, poking John on the arm. John pushed him away.

"Yes." John replied.

Paul slumped in his chair "thanks John. Good to know that you love me and it's embarrassing."

"C'mon Paul, y'know I don't like that stuff." John chuckled but Paul reached over and slapped him. "Fine Paul. Go ahead."

Paul posted it with a smile. "How do they look?" Paul held out his nails.

"Good, but is yer da gonna kill me or what?" John frowned. Paul pursed his lips and gave a shrug.

"Well if he did I wouldn't have to deal with you anymore." Paul narrowed his eyes and John smirked.

"Lets go." John chuckled and held out his hand for Paul to grab, he gladly took it and leaped up. "How many people have you on Snapchat?"

"It's no big deal....only like the whole school." Paul let go of John's hand and sped away. John widened his eyes and went after him.

Ringo sat on the bench and watched the pacing lad in front of him, clutching his bag. Rory finally stopped pacing and stood in front of the smaller boy.

"So you're saying what exactly?"

Ringo swallowed. The party experience had made him utterly miserable. Making him lose all hope that he'd ever had a shot with George. He couldn't hold a candle to Paul in his eyes. And if George wanted to be the miserable third wheel his whole life, well Ringo wasn't going to stop him.

"I'm saying that I'm sorry and I made a mistake." Ringo looked up at Rory with a neutral expression. Rory sat down next to him with a smug expression.

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