Dear Aphrodite : 2️⃣0️⃣

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Dear Aphrodite,
Have you read Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets? Did you read about that Voldemort was a handsome and charming student named Tom Riddle? You know, I have a crush on him but I don't know when and how I will move on about him.

Ms. Riddle

Dear Ms. Riddle,

When I read your letter, I hastened to read that book and watch that movie, and OMG, he's so hawt.
I understand why  you have a crush on him and I want to blast pink sparkles on my ceiling when he became an adult and got no nose, Since you're a beautiful nerd, Please write a fan fiction about him.


Hi guys, I read Harry Potter for so like 20 times and Tom Riddle became my favorite even he is a villain, because you know, some villains are handsome from the start.
I'm going to publish a Harry Potter fan book.
Please read it, those who love Harry Potter.

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