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The days following the epidemic were ones equal to hell. The whole world went wild. People were killing others, ransacking homes and stores, raping women. Everyone was acting as if the law no longer mattered. An illness was spreading faster than the cold. People were dying and coming back as monster, seeking nothing, but human flesh to crave their hunger.

Cities began to open up safe places once they learned how deadly this new plague was and what could happen if they didn't act quickly. But as quick as these safe places opened the quicker they fell. The only one that lasted for a time was the city of Atlanta. A group had went there to find safety, but before they could reach the city's walls it was taken over and turned to ruin. This group, which included the Dixon family, took refuge at a pull off that rested off of the highway, just outside the city.

It was here that the group found safety and as close as they could get to a normal life again. Shane Walsh was the leader of this group, he protected them, keep them fed, but his ruling was at some point harsh and questionable. Samantha Walsh was nothing like her brother. She was the camp's angel. Sam always made sure everyone was taken care of and got what they needed. She was also one to not pass judgment.

Nate had grown close to Sam, she often treated him as if he was her own son. No one really liked how close the two were, Merle believed that Dixons should only stick with Dixons, while the others at the camp thought the Dixons were bastards who were to dangerous to get close to.

At the moment Nate is helping his father with skinning the animal they will later have for dinner. "I don't understand why we don't keep this all for ourselves." Merle mumbles, but Daryl and Nate both ignores him.

"Daddy?" Grace whines as she rubs her grumbling stomach. "I'm hungry."

"Nate take a break." Daryl says, nudging his son. "Go wash your hands off and make something up for your sister." Nate nods, putting the now skinned animal into the bucket before standing up and heading down to the creek.

Down by the creek the girls are busy washing the clothes for the men of the camp. "Hey, Sam?" Lori says, causing her to look up. "Do you honestly trust those Dixons?"

"Lori, you of all people shouldn't hold judgement." Everyone looks at Sam confuse, but Lori's eyes simply widen. Sam is a gentle and sweet person, but she has strong values and she does not support Lori's decisions. "The Dixons are better than most people realize. I know Merle isn't the best, but Nate is a good kid." Nate walks down just as Sam finishes saying that, causing everyone to look his way.

"What?" He questions, but everyone quickly gets back to work. He rolls his eyes and moves to the water, washing his hands off of any blood or guts.

"Hey, Nate." Amy calls, causing Nate to glance over at her along with everyone else. "Did you guys catch anything out there?" She asks.

"Uh... yeah." He says, unsure how to go about talking to Amy, only Sam ever talked to Nate, not including his family of course. Plus he's no good talking to girls.

"Great, thank you." Her sister to give a warning look, but Amy pays no attention to her sister.

"Yeah... sure." He says, slowly before standing and heading back the direction he came from.

"What was that about?" Andrea demands, while Amy simply shrugs.

"He's the one who gets our meat for us. Everyone else gets berries and mushrooms. I was just thanking him for getting us some real food."

"It's probably squirrel again." Jacqui mutters.

"Better than roots and berries." Amy tells her before going back to washing some clothes. Andrea's eyes narrows down on the shirt Amy is washing. Andrea rips the shirt right out of Amy's hands and looks it over. "Hey-

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