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Nate walks into camp as his father is getting ready to leave. "Hey kid." Daryl says as Nate looks down at the ground.

"Be careful, dad." Daryl sighs.

"Nate." Nate looks up as his dad as Daryl stares at him. "Nate, I'm coming back okay?" Nate nods and Daryl pulls him into his arms, causing Nate to wrap his arm tightly around his father. "I'm not going anywhere, Natey." Daryl whispers as he kisses the top of Nate's head.

Rick watches the father and son embrace and finds himself surprise. He would never figure the Dixons as affectionate. "Daryl and Merle are different, Rick. The moment you realize that and stop comparing is the moment you start understanding Daryl." Rick glances at Sam as she says this. "Merle... Some days I'm almost positive that he hates Nate, but Daryl... he cares for those kids. It's the only time you will see the sensitive side of Daryl." Rick watches as Daryl says something to the boy, resting a hand on the boy's cheek. The boy says something before he hugs his father again. "He's good to Nate and Grace. One of the best father's I've seen. Most parents wouldn't be able to handle all this and handle kids."

Daryl sighs and pulls away from his son and sighs. "Are you going to be okay on your own here?"

"Yeah, dad, I'll be okay." Daryl frowns before kissing his son's forehead.

"Watch out for your sister." Nate rolls his eyes.

"I know, dad." Daryl frowns and pushes his son's hair out of his face.

"Kiddo, I just...." Daryl sighs. "Merle is family, Nate. I need to go get him."

"I know."

"And I know you hate this-

"Dad I don't-

"Nate." Daryl sighs. "I put a lot of responsibility on you and I know it's not fair, but-

"Dad, I get it. Grace is only ten and she still needs be taken cared of."

"But you deserve to be a kid once too." Nate frowns and looks down at his feet. "I'll make a promise to you, when I get back you get to be a kid. It isn't fair to make you grow up too fast." Daryl says before grabbing his sprain arm. "And you'll need to have Sam rewrap this."

"Yeah... I did it myself, so it's kind of..."

"Yeah, I'll be back, promise." Nate looks up at his dad and nod.

"Be safe." Daryl nods, ruffling his son's hair up and heading to the van. Nate rolls his eyes, trying to fix his hair before heading back to his tent to lay down. He's still very tired and he could use the sleep.


Sam watches as the van drives off before heading to the tent. She knows Nate is probably tired, but he needs his arm rewrapped and a haircut, so Sam heads into his tent just as Nate is pulling his shirt over his head. "Sorry to interrupt. I know you're probably tired, but you need to rewrap that arm and you need to get a haircut, no more putting it off."

"Sam, I'm tired."

"I know, but you need to get a haircut, so get up. Oh and it's better if you keep your shirt off so you don't get hair all over it." Nate rolls his eyes, but allow her to pull him out of the tent. "Sit." Nate sighs and takes a seat as Sam pulls the supplies out of her back pocket and begin to unwrap Nate's arm. Sam wraps his arms back up as Amy starts over.

"Hey, Sam, can you help me sort through these mush...." Amy trails off as she sees Nate, bare chest and muscles gleaming in sweat. She swallows as she stares at him, totally memorized. Nate blushes slightly, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze.

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