Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

After my soulmate was finished me life was worth living I decided to eat something to cool my self off from my.....Blow out.  I was just going to have sandwich I wasn't that hungry.  "Ew your still here?".  Of coarse Jefferson show up now.  When I'm at my lowest and could break at any moment........He shows up.  "Can I help you?" "Yeah" "What?" "Leave" "What?  No I'm not leaving!".  I stared in disbelief at the request Thomas made.  He didn't a actually think I would leave MY dorm did he?  "Hamilton quit staring at the ground and leave!" "No....." "What did you just say!" "No....." I wasn't going to leave my dorm just for Jefferson pleasure.  "JUST LEAVE YOU FATTY!!!!!" .  I cried.  I cried and I ran out of the door.  I didn't want Jefferson to win, but he broke me.
                                                 ***Time Skip***

Thomas' POV

It was about 8:30 p.m. now and Hamilton still hadn't come back to the dorm.  I am a horrible person.  I basically kicked him out of his own dorm.  Madison came through the unlocked door staring down at his dorm.  "Hey Jemmy" "What?  What do you want!" "Geez I was just going to ask how your day was".  We didn't talk much after that.  After about an hour of Madison staying in his room he randomly texted me.

Jemmy: Jefferson

T.Jeffs: Yesssss~

Jemmy: I need to tell you something...

T.Jeffs: What is it?

Jemmy: I'm breaking up......With you...

T.Jeffs: .......Figures

Jemmy: What do you mean 'Figures'!!!

T.Jeffs: I'm just saying our relationship wasn't going anywhere so it's fine!!!

Jemmy: Okay.......We can still be friends right?

T.Jeffs: Best Friends!!!!

After me and Madison had texted for awhile I heard someone jigging the door knob from the dorm door.  Hamilton walked through the door his eyes red and puffy and his clothes stained with what I could only assume were tears.  "You okay?" "......." "Well fine don't answer me I just wanted to make sure were still you!".  I crossed my arms across my chest and waited for Hamilton's response.  He sighed and began walking towards his room.  I don't know why but I had the sudden urge to insult him in some way.  Why?  How should I know but hey giving Hamilton a free insult was good with me.  "Hey Hamilton..." .  I said in a caring voice so I could trick him.  "Yeah..." He sounded almost relieved to hear me care.  Like he wanted to he that.  I suddenly felt a pang of guilt.  I couldn't turn back now, and besides.  He would probably be fine.

Alex's POV

"Y-you..." .  What was he about to say.  He sounded like he cared so I could only assume something good... Hopefully.  "Your fat".  I snapped.  He couldn't just leave me alone.  He had to remind me again and again of my weight.  "I-i know Jefferson....I know".  I ran into my room.  I didn't want to be near Jefferson right now.  All he was gonna do was make fun of me.  I went into the shared bathroom for us four roomates, and locked it.  I stared at my self in the mirror.  "Jefferson was right".  I began to cry.  "Y-YOU REALLY ARE F-FAT!!!".  I stuck my head over the toilet an did the only thing I thought I could do.

Thomas' POV

"Y-YOU REALLY ARE F-FAT!!!".  I heard him scream from our shared bathroom.  I caused this.  I caused him all this pain.  Then I heard something that made me regret everything I ever said to Hamilton.  He threw up.  He didn't stop for awhile.  "Who's in the bathroom throwing up Non-Stop?" "Hamilton...." "........WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!".  I told Madison everything about how I told him to leave the dorm from when I told him he was... Well you get the picture.  "See this is why I told you to leave him alone!!!!" "You NEVER told me to leave him alone!!!" "Well I should have!!".  We didn't bother arguing after that because we Hamilton going into a coughing fit.  Madison ran over to the bathroom door and unlocked it from the outside with his magic (yeah Madison can open locked doors from the inside).

Alex's POV

Madison ran not 2 seconds later after my coughing fit.  I didn't want him to see me like this, but I knew I could trust him.  "Oh.  My.  God!" "Madison!  I-I-" .  He pulled me away from the toilet, and cleaned my mouth off with a yet rag.  He pulled me out of the shared bathroom and into my room.  He sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to him.  I sat down next to him.  He was a bit taller than me because I'm 4' 5" and he's 5' 3".  I was waiting for him to rant about how I shouldn't do that because it not healthy.  But he didn't.  He pulled me into a hug and rubbed circles on my back.  I didn't pull away.  I hugged him back, and cried.   I cried into his chest for what seemed like an hour.  "Feeling better?" .  I nodded my head.  I couldn't speak at the moment from all the sobbing at the moment.  Madison chucked a bit before saying "You know Hamilton I've been meaning to ask you something since this morning" "Yeah?" "Ummmm will you date me?"

I'm such a jerk XD. So guys I'm so sorry but I really write about Hamilmads in this story!!! I think it will be cute :3 anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm sorry Hamilton cried so much I but hey..... At least I'm writing a decent story XD anyways see y'all in the next chapter :3

Words: 962

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