Chapter 14

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While I was writing this I was watching "Fatal Vows" and the girl on the shows name was Peggy and they were saying how Peggy was witty and curious and I just laughed so hard, but it was a great show none the less......Anyways on with the story

Thomas' POV

Alex had fallen asleep that afternoon. The docters said that I had to get Alex out of the room because they had a patient coming in. I picked him up bridal style so that it was easier to hold him. Once we had gotten out of the hospital and out to the car I put him in the passenger seat. I heard Alex stirring in his sleep eventually waking up.

***Time Skip***

When we got back to the dorm I assumed the pain medication had wore off cause he wasn't happy like he was back at the hospital. I heard him start to sob quietly. "Thomas......" "Yeah Alex". He hesitated before continuing. "Please don't let Madison near me.....". I nodded my head before stepping out of the car and heading over to the passengers side.

I opened the passengers side door and let Alex step out. He held his stomach and gripped onto the railing. When we got inside I saw Madison had left a note on the counter top. Alex had got to it before I did and read it out loud.

Dear room mates,
I am getting a new dorm do to some recent events. I am leaving so that I can actually be happy. If I stay here I'm going to be yelled and threatened for stupid and unimportant reasons. I hope you all don't kill each other now that I've left. Also don't burn down the dorm. All check on you guys regularly, but other than that I'm not coming back.
James Madison

I saw the tears forming in his eyes as he continued reading. I took the note from him and through it in the trash. "Why did you do t-" "Cause you don't need to hear any more of Madison's lies". I saw the tears that started to fall from his eyes.

I pulled him into my embrace and hugged him tight and let him cry into my shoulder. His cries turned into quiet sobs. I rubbed circles into his back to try to calm him down.

"Feeling better?". He nodded a bit. "I need to tell you something T-Thomas....." "Sure". He dragged me into his room and shut the door. "What did you want to tell me?".  He looks around the room avoiding eye contact with me.  "I-I u-ummmm" "Alex you don't have to be scared I'm not gonna hurt you" "I-I like y-you".  He actually liked me. (Yes we're actually getting somewhere with Jamilton)

I smiled cheekily and pulled into my embrace.  "I like you too".  I felt him, for once, finally relax.  "Thomas...." "Yes Alex" "Can you give me my pain medication" "Sure".  I headed of to the bathroom where I had put Alex's pain medication.  "Where the heck did I-".  The bathroom door swung open.  A very mad and angry person stomped into the room.


"What are you doing here!!!!".  He just glared at me, pointed his finger, and said "YOU!!!!!".  He swung his fist at me.  I ducked quickly and ran out of the bathroom.  I ran to Alex's room and locked the door.  "Thomas why did y-".  Madison started banging on the door.  "GET OUT OF THERE YOU COWARD!!!" "Thomas who is t-" "ALEX IS THAT YOU!!!".  I turned and looked at Alex who was shaking slightly.  I unlocked the door and went out.

"Madison what the heck is wrong with!!!" "Y-YOU.  YOU DID THIS!!!" "What did I do?".  I guess he had enough because he started to walk out the door.  After the door was slammed I made my way back to Alex's room.  When I walked in Alex was shaking violently.  I made my way to his bed and wrapped my arm around him in an attempt to calm him down.  He gripped one hand onto my shirt and the other gripped his stomach.  "Thomas....... Medication...".  I pulled away and ran to the bathroom.  When I went to the bathroom it was a wreck.  I eventually found his medication spilled out all over the bath tub.


I grabbed three of the of the white pills and ran back to the room.  I walked in and found the small Caribbean in a ball gripping his stomach.  "Alex you have to sit up so that you can take your pills".  He sat up lazily and took the pills out of my hand.  "Can you get me some water Thomas".  I nodded my head and ran to the kitchen.  After getting the water carefully to Alex's room I set it on the desk next him.  He grabbed the water and took all three pills at once.  "Alex are you sure that was a good idea?".  He swallowed before answering.  "Yes.  I've done it before".  I knew he would start to get Loopy soon so I grabbed his arm and lead him into the living room.  "You watch TV while I go to clean the bathroom".  He nodded his head and I headed off to clean the bathroom.  When I walked I saw the big mess of pills and toothpaste everywhere. 

This is going to take awhile.

                                                ***Time Skip***

After about an hour of cleaning I leave the bathroom Feeling satisfied with my work.  When I enter the living room I see Alex sitting upside down on the couch with the remote in his hands.  "Hey Thommyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!" "Hey Alex".  I walked over to the couch and sat next to my adorable boyfriend.  He fell off the couch and sat upright leaning his head on my shoulder.  "So whatcha wanna watch Thommy?" "Disney?".  He jumped and ran around the room.  "Oh my gosh!  Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!".  I chuckled as I attempted to get him back on the couch.

He ran into the kitchen and jumped onto the counter.  "You have to catch me if you want me to stay still!!!" "Is that so?".  He nodded his head and put his hands on his hips.  I ran up to him and picked him up bringing him back to the couch.  "You may win this round Thommy, but I'll win the next one!!!!" "Oh yeah?".  I placed him in my lap and wrapped my arms around him tightly.  "So what do you wanna watch?" "WALLI!!!!!".  I went to the DVD case and pulled out walli and put it in the disc tray.  When I turned around to head back to Alex he wasn't there.

Dang it

I searched around the entire dorm I finally found him in the kitchen making popcorn.  I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.  He squeaked.  I kissed his cheek and waited for the popcorn to finish.

When we go back to the couch I grabbed the remote an instantly pressed play.

                                                ***Time Skip***

Alex's POV

It was about half way through the movie Thomas had gotten up to get us some drinks.  I was about to follow Thomas when someone knocked on the door.  When I opened it I found something unexpected.


"H-hello Elizabeth" "Hello Alexander!!!" "My my aren't you happy".  She nodded her head violently.  "Well please come in".  She stepped through the door way and made her way to the couch.  Thomas had finally come out with a sprite and a coke.  "Oh!  Hi Eliza".  She waved at Thomas and smiled cheerfully.  "Can I get you a drink?" "No thank you I'm not staying long".  After we all settled on the couch Eliza finally shared her news.  "I finally found my soulmate!!!".  Thomas' and my jaw dropped.  "Really!!!" "Yes!!!  She's also very pretty".  Eliza phone buzzed and she said she had to leave.  We waved goodbye and went back to the living room.

"I can't believe it!!!" "What?" "Almost everyone has found there soulmate except for us!!!!"

Thomas' POV

"Almost everyone has found there soulmate except for us!!!".  I watched as he paced around the room, ranting about not finding his soulmate yet.  Meanwhile I was thinking of what would it be like if me and him were soulmates.

I have a plan

Well guys sorry I haven't updated in awhile the wifi has been off and well yeah you get the jist of it.  So hope all y'all are having a good summer so far.  Hope you all enjoyed this chapter :3

Words: 1438

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