[1] It was a normal day until...

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Today was like any other day a normal straight A, award winning, painfully handsome, all above god-like student would be having. But, I wouldn't expect you to understand that. I sat in my desk, my classmates speaking in their own group of friends, their voices merely background noise to my ears. Most of the time I'm having out-of-body experiences where I just glorify myself and praise myself for being such a great student and overall human being. My day was going great.

At least, that was until...

"Alright everyone, sit down, I have news for you." Our home room teacher spoke in his regular monotone voice. Usually no one would pay attention until he's said the same sentence at least six times. But the I have news for you, was what caught their attention. Everyone hushed the people surrounding them, listening with open ears.

He seemed surprised to not have to speak a billion times for them to listen, but he dismissed it and cleared his throat, tapping a stack of papers against his desk.

"Today, you will have a new student. Now, before I let him in, I want all of you to know that he's not from here, he's from The States. So, don't make fun of him if his Japanese is a little choppy. Understand?" Everyone agreed in unison, excitement coating their voices. Once everyone was settled, he turned his head to the left, beckoning the new student in.

Just at the sight of his shoes everyone's voices piled on top of each other at a whisper, already speaking their thoughts of judgement. I watched him stand at the front of the room, nervous with a wobbly smile and rosy cheeks. He was a mess. His tie crooked and vest slightly twisted and his pants were completely wrinkled. I felt the corners of my mouth drop to a frown, my eyebrows falling to the center of my forehead.

"Hello," with one Japanese word, everyone whooped and clapped, cheering him on. With a quiet laugh, he continued. "My name is Eren Jeager. I was actually born here, but raised in The States, so I speak fluent English and Japanese, if you were wondering."

"We weren't." I spoke out, the cheers and happy voices stopping, leaving the room dead silent. His green eyes were wide and his expression seemed shocked. I smirked and looked out the window, knowing I'd already put him in his place.

"Well, if you don't care all that much, please just continue to ignore me and don't interrupt me. That's rude." My eyes shot to him, my jaw clenching at the sound of small gasps traveling all around the room. Who does this kid think he is? Talking to me like that? I was at a loss for words. But by the moment I'd already found some, he spoke up again, cutting me off.

"Anyways, I'm seventeen years old, and I love to play soccer. Is there a soccer team at this school?" A few of the soccer team members assured him there was and he thanked them with a big smile, asking them to welcome him. After he introduced himself, he bowed softly and thanked everyone. He turned to the teacher, waiting to hear what seat he was assigned to.

"Eren Jeager, it's a pleasure to have you. Why don't you have a seat in B-6?" He nodded, his hair bouncing slightly as he searched for his seat. I almost laughed at the troubled and confused look on his face, feeling pity for him.

"Psst! Over here! Eren!" I turned my head to see the smallest boy in our class, Armin Arlert, waving his arm ecstatically in the air. Eren stood to attention, and walked over to the seat behind him with a smile. But not without getting passed my seat first.

I heard his feet tap behind my desk, my body suddenly lunging forward. With my heart already thumping with rage, I turned, seeing a stoic look on Eren's face. I glared, only to see him turn around and take out his books from his backpack. Who the hell does this kid think he is?

No, calm down, Levi. Don't let a child like him get to you, you're better than this. Yeah, that's right. You're better than him. I smiled in content and reassurance, finally feeling back at peace. With the teacher already starting the lesson, I tuned in to his voice, ready to get the top scores again. This kid will see just who he's messing with.

Eventually the bell rung while our teacher was handing our tests for the day back. Most of the kids just left without their tests, while a few of my classmates including myself decided to stay until we heard our names.

"Eren Jeager." I hear the sound of the chair skid against the floor as it's pushed back, listening to light footsteps walking up to the front of the room. I peeked, watching his face as he examined his paper. I smirked, imagining all the possibilities of failing grades he could've gotten.

"Levi, come get your test." I nodded, getting up from my desk and walked up to the teacher, noticing Eren was still standing there. Poor thing, must be shocked at his incredibly low grade. I shook my head, looking down at my test, already knowing what grade I received.


I smiled, folding the paper and throwing it to the trash. Right when I was about to head to my next class, I turned, Eren still standing there. I chuckled, fixing my backpack on my shoulders and stepped to him. Time to show him who's boss around here. I waited for the teacher to leave, making a type of challenging eye contact with the tall brunet. 

"So, you think you're all that, do you?" I sneered, smirking while I snatched his test right from his fingers. My eyes twitched at the grade. 


"Think you're all that, do you?" His voice was high pitched but strong, making me falter a bit. He snatched his paper back, leaning down. Now face to face. "Not anymore. See you later, shorty." And just like that, he walked off with the slightest smirk. 

I stood there like an idiot, my fists on the brink of shattering from how hard I was clenching them. You'll regret ever insulting me...

"Eren Jeager."

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