[7] Date

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Is he really going to go ahead with this stupid date thing? What makes him think he can get me to like him? I scoffed, shaking my head while returning to my studies.

Ding, dong!

My head snapped up, looking at my watch and groaned in frustration while getting up and walking to the door.

"Who the hell..." Opening the door, I can't say I was surprised to see that idiot standing on the other side, a smile on his face. He eyed me up and down, sort of making me uncomfortable. I leaned against the door frame and crossed my arms.

"You're early." I said, Eren shrugging without a care in the world. Next thing I knew I was shoved aside, Eren walking in. My blood boiled while I stomped over, grabbing him by his shirt collar.

"You filthy brat, take off your damn shoes!" I yelled, pointing to the area specifically for shoes.

"Man, who cares. We're leaving anyways, are you ready?" Is he serious? Who cares? Who...cares?

"I care you idiot!" I huffed while I stepped over and slipped on my shoes, grabbing a jacket that was hanging on the small stand nearby.

"Jeez, Louis...so uptight." He muttered. I glared at the floor while I followed him to his car. How the hell does he expect me to like him? How the hell do girls like him?

Once in his car, it was silent for an awkward amount of time before he started it. Resting his arm on my seat while turning to back out of the driveway, his smiled, showing sharp canine teeth.

"Don't worry," he laughed, "I'll loosen you right up." I shivered in disgust, knowing what his exact intentions were. What, is he gonna spike my drink? Knock me out? Lock me in some kind of dungeon for years and years?

Wouldn't doubt it.

The car ride was silent, the radio music softly playing to serve as background noise. I stared out the window for the entire ride, trying to think up of where we were going. But nothing we passed by seemed familiar, which was odd. I turned and looked at him, confusion overwhelming me.

"Where're we going?" I asked, but he didn't answer. Did he not hear me? I looked at him again, but shook my head. No, he definitely heard me. Is he ignoring me?

"I asked you a question." Eren let out an annoyed sigh and tapped the steering wheel with his fingers.

"You know, Levi, I don't like when girls ask a lot of questions." I glared.

"Who the fuck said I was a girl?" He smirked and chuckled, mocking me.

"You're small like one, your hair is silky like one, and you smell like one." I revolted.

"I smell? Like one? What kind of pervert are you?" I hissed, only getting another chuckle from him.

"Just sit there and be good, alright? We're almost there." My jaw clenched while I had the flaming urge to push him out the car. Sit here and be good? Who the hell does he think he is?


I looked around, finally looking at the smiling brat in front of me, his arms crossed with pride. I sighed, taking a look around again.

"Why're we here." I asked, pointing towards all the roller coasters and ferries wheels. He groaned and walked over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Loosen up a little, babe. Have a little fun!"

"Babe-?" Before I could even yell at him, he yanked me by the arm and dragged me to an area filled with games with prizes, children and adults smiling, yelling, and laughing. I watched all of them in envy before blinking and suddenly was back in reality.

"Let's play some games," Eren suggested, extending his arm out as if presenting all of the games in front of us. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"I don't play games," I took another glance at the area, "it's childish." Eren groaned and latched onto my arm, shaking me.

"Come on, Levi. If you think about it, we're still kids! You shouldn't grow up too fast, live a little!" I stared at his bright and enthusiastic face, the sun beating down on his tan skin.

"And," he continued, "this can't count as a date if you do cooperate, Levi." I looked at him, trying to see if he was serious.

"Why are you so fixated on trying to get me to like you?" I asked, getting no answer from him for a few seconds. Until he sighed and ruffled his hair, looking off to the side.

"The thing is," he said, " I'm not gay...or, I don't think I am. I mean, I like girls and all, but...something about you just draws me to you. I don't really know how to explain it." I watched him laugh nervously while he continued to look anywhere but at me. I sighed and shook my head.

"Fine, we'll play a game," Eren's face brightened until I brought up a hand, pausing him, "only one, got it?" He pouted, but thought about it and finally nodded in agreement.

[ Eren ]

The game I really wanted to try was the one where you have to shoot water in the hole, and the person with the most water in their balloon gets a giant stuffed animal of their choice. One of the prizes that stood out to me the most, though, was an enormous rilakkuma bear, staring right at me. I could've sworn I heard it calling my name. Determination fueling me, I grabbed Levi by the arm and pulled him towards it.

He observed it for a while before looking at me, pointing at the game. "You want to play this game, out of all the games here. This one?" I almost hesitated and second guessed my decision, until I saw the rilakkuma bear again. I nodded so hard I thought my head was going to fall off.

When I looked up I thought I'd seen a small smile on Levi's face. But when I blinked, his back was already turned to me. I went and stood beside him while he gave the person in charge two dollars, one dollar per person for one play. We sat in our seat, my hands gripping the handles as tightly as I possibly could.

When the bell rung for the game to start, a kid sitting next to me started screaming his lungs off, scaring the shit out of me. My body flinched which caused my water to start hitting the wall, sending me into panic and distress seeing how small my balloon was compared to everyone else's. looking to my right, I'd almost died witnessing the dark aura surrounding Levi, every drop of water landing perfectly in the small hole.

When the ending bell finally rung, I turned my head left and right, seeing Levi had the biggest balloon. I envied him, starting to wonder what prize he might get.

"Great job, kid!" The guy said with a smile, "haven't seen anyone as good as you in a long time! What prize would you like?" I watched his face carefully examine each and every prize, a hand on his chin and his eyes squinting.

I sighed in disappointment at my loss and stared at the rilakkuma doll. It almost seemed just as disappointed in me as I was. I looked down at the ground and turned, watching everyone else play and win prizes, laughing at and hugging their award. Before I could turn back around, something hard had been launched at my back, making me turn around with a raised fist.

"Your prize," Levi said. I looked down at the ground and my eyes widened, my heart leaping. I picked up the huge rilakkuma, as if being reunited with family.

I looked at Levi, the setting sun and bright lights from the games shining down on his face made him seem...I, I don't know. It's hard to describe. I looked back at the doll and smiled softly.

"I was supposed to be the one trying to get you to like me," I muttered.

Love Me [ Levi x Eren ] [ Ereri ]Where stories live. Discover now