[5] Deal

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I sighed, carrying the heavy piece of shit while he limped along to the infirmary. This idiot wouldn't stop kicking the balls back no matter how hard or fast I was sending them to him. He ended up wearing himself out and passed out on the field due to heat exhaustion. The tall brat stopped abruptly which caused me to stop too, turning around to look at him.

"I can walk on my own." He muttered, looking at the ground. I scoffed, looking at his injured foot and kicked it. Nearly sending us both to the ground, he found his balance and glared.

"What the hell was that for!" He said through gritted teeth. If anything, he looked like a puppy trying to growl and scare away it's owner. Funny how he used to look so scary.

"Proving to you that you can't walk by yourself," I said while starting to walk again, hearing him grumble under his breath, "and why do you kick with the same foot every damn time. You need to switch it up every once in a while so shit like this doesn't happen." He laughed.

"I'm sure our opponents won't be hurling balls at me at the speed of light." When thinking about it, I guess I did go a bit hard on him.

"Why're you telling me this," he questioned as we made it to the door of the infirmary. Before I could open it and put him in the nurse's hands, I was up against a wall. I looked up, his smug face inches away from mine. "Are you worrying about me, Ackerman?"

[ Eren ]

I watched his expression and took in every feature as much as I could. Everything about his facial features were sharp and scary. I don't know why I was so drawn to them. I watched him for a little while longer, his eyes sending daggers right at my face.

In a matter of seconds I was on the ground, the wind knocked out of me. I wheezed, looking up and grasping my stomach, Levi glaring down at me.

"I don't know what kind of childish shit you're trying to pull," he growled, "but I will not tolerate this." I shivered at his demanding tone, feeling it send excitement through my body all the while. I smirked and stuck out my hand, him helping me back up to my feet.

"You'll be under me before you know it." I mumbled. I'm not sure if he heard, but if he did, he must've not cared.

I gently sat on one of the beds and looked around the uncomfortable white room. I shuddered, the ac amped up in here for some reason.

"Wait here, I'll look for the nurse." I nodded, watching him walk off. I sighed, laying myself down and stared up at the ceiling. I shivered again. Why the hell is it so cold in here?

He's competitive...

He's the best...

We don't want you bloody and bruised again...

"Guess they were right." I muttered into the empty space, bringing up my hands and covered my face in defeat, groaning.

"Who was right." I jumped, Levi leaning against the wall.

"Where's the nurse?" He only shrugged, his emotionless face never budging.

It was silent for a while since I laid back down, getting lost in my own thoughts.

"Why're you here." The silence shattered. He glared, but ignored it and shook his head.

"I can't just leave you in here. Who knows what you'll steal. And if you do steal something, I'll be the one to blame for leaving you here. I'm not an idiot." I sat up and looked at him, smirking.

"Excuses, excuses." I teased, catching his attention.

"What'd you say, brat?"

"Of course you'd make some silly excuse to stay in a room alone with me," I watched his expression slowly change as he caught on to what I was saying, "I get it, I'm irresistible! But you? Bringing me here? Just the two of us? Naughty, naughty."

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