[6] Settled

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Ever since that stupid brat forced that deal upon me, he's been leeching off of me like a clingy girlfriend. Most of the time I ignore him, but when I just can't take it, I'll usually yell at him or hit him. That seems to make him go away. I was in class studying for our finals coming up, my head throbbing from stress.

"Levi~" my body tensed at the annoying voice, closing my eyes and tried my best to tune it out.

"Oh...LEVIIIIIII~!!!" My eyes shot open, my head now pulsing even harder. I snapped around and watched the ditzy brat skip over with a bag in his hands.

"Sorry I'm late," he sighed dramatically, "I was on my way to school when something smelt so good I just couldn't help myself! Anyways, while buying some, I decided I should get some for you too, honey!" I cringed at the name and eyed the bag. What'd he buy, poison?

He stuck out his hands and offered the bag. I slowly accepted it and placed it on my desk, opening it, a warm and crisp smell making me nearly drool. I blinked, and looked in, a warm and small loaf of bread inside. Turning around, I only saw the cheerful and hopeful look on his face. What happened to the scary side of this brat. How lame.

I reached in and grabbed the loaf, taking a small bite and nearly melted. I turned around to thank him, but when I did, he was gone. Kind of freaked out on how he just disappeared, I looked around the room. No sign of him. I sat forward and stared at the loaf unnervingly, my mind feeling uncomfortable for some reason. My attention was caught by a familiar giggle, which brought me to my feet and walked over to the person.

"L-Levi!" Armin stuttered, already sweating in fear. Mikasa only glared and balled her fists just in case.

"Have you two seen Eren?" For a moment their face was blank, then shocked, confused, and finally suspicious.

"Why?" I glared, pushing past them instead.

I walked all around the school. The gym, cafeteria, the locker area, the garden, the field. Still no sign of him. I eventually found myself leaning against a wall, the sweet taste still on my tongue. Pressing it to the roof of my mouth, I hoped it would stay a bit longer. While sighing I pushed myself off the wall and started to head back to class before class started.

"Who the hell do you think you are, waltzing into this school and acting like you're the shit." I paused, taking a few steps back. My eyes widened at the sight. Two guys on the soccer team cornering him while Petra stood watch.

I couldn't get a good look at whoever they were talking to since one of the guys was blocking my view. I huffed, heading over to stop them before they start giving the soccer team a bad name. I walked over with my hands in my pockets, seeing Petra had noticed me, panic in her expression.

"Guys, lets go!" The two turned around with annoyed looks that immediately turned to shock and fear at the sight of me. Without even speaking a word to me, they ran off. I sighed in disappointment, eyes looking over to see who they beat up this time.

I looked at him in shock and confusion, looking out in the direction at where the other three had ran off too, then back at him. Strands of hair sticking out, heavy panting, dark eyes, and bruises scattered across his tan skin. Or, what was exposed. I held out a hand only to have it smacked away, my blood already starting to boil. 

"Oi, brat, what'd you do to get your ass kicked like that?" He stood to his feet and dusted himself off. His eyes weren't angry or intimidating, they were just emotionless. 

"Did you like the bread?" He asked while running his fingers through his hair, trying his best to fix it. I sighed. 

"It was fine. I was looking all over for you, you know." He looked up after smoothing out his hair one more time and chuckled. 

"Falling for me over some bread," I glared, "guess I should buy them more often." He smiled softly at the end and looked at me. It confuses me. How can he act all tough and cold one moment and then just be jolly and bratty the next? 

"I'm not falling for you, and I'm not going to," I looked over and watched him sulk in his own cloud of distress, "the week is almost over and all you've done is annoy the hell out of me and buy me bread." He perked up and smirked, making me raise an eyebrow. 

"At least you're thinking about me," he winked and dusted a few more specs of dirt off his uniform before stepping forward and lowered himself for us to be eye to eye, "and like you said, the week is almost over. Which is why, I want to take you out on a date." I blinked, uncomfortable with the close proximity. 

"There's now way in hell we're going on a date." I said, watching him pout again. 

"But, Levi, how am I supposed to make you fall for me if I don't take you out on a date?" I shrugged, already annoyed with his childish tone of voice. 

"Guess that's too bad." He frowned, but smirked soon after. 

"Or, is it that you think if I took you out on a date that you would just instantly fall head over heels for me?"

"Not even in your wildest dreams." I grumbled, hearing him giggle softly. I looked at him and watched him fix his hair. 

"How about today then, after school? Wait for me at the gates." I looked at the ground and thought about it, sighing. Why am I even thinking this over, it's not like I'm ever going to fall for this kid. 

"We'll see." Eren jumped for joy, a weird squeal coming from him. 

"It's settled then," he clapped his hands, and started to jog off, "see you in class!" My eyes widened and I lifted my wrist, checking the time. 


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