[9] Eye on you

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I looked at Levi, then at both Armin and Mikasa. I could tell in their eyes they were telling me not to go. I smiled to reassure them, and stood up, hearing their sighs of disappointment.

Sorry I keep disappointing you...

I followed Levi out of the school and to the soccer field, just the two of us outside. I looked around. It was weird, since people usually come out here to hang out and talk during break. Now, no one's here. A sigh from Levi caught my attention, looking down at him.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, but he only looked at his uniform.

"That picture..." I stared at him and suddenly felt a pain in my heart, sighing.

"About that," I said, "I'm sorry, maybe we shouldn't have gone on the date after all."

Still nothing.

"At least they don't know it's you!" I tried to lighten his spirits, but when he looked up, he had the same face he always had. Stern, scary, and dead.

"Wh-what's wrong?" I stuttered, my heart racing out of anxiety.

"If they find out that's me..." he said, his eyes squinting, "you'll wish you'd never been born." I flinched at his words, my chest aching, but I ignored it.

I smiled nervously and nodded, afraid of what he might do to me if people found out. After that, Levi gave me one more glance before walking off, leaving me alone on the soccer field. I fell to the floor and sat there, staring off into the sky until the colors hurt my eyes. Running my fingers through my hair, I sighed, letting my head drop to my knees.

"What am I going to do..." I groaned, shutting my eyes.

Maybe I should skip class. Should I? It'd probably be better if I didn't go...right?

I flinched at the sound of someone clearing their throat, making me lift my head up and squint, the sun blinding me. When they leaned forward, their facial expressions became clear. I glared, clenching my jaw.

"The hell do you want," I muttered, hearing him softly chuckle. Without answering my question, he took a seat beside me, letting out a soft sigh.

"You know," he said, tapping my arm, "I've been watching you." I turned to look at him, but his gaze stayed straight ahead.

"Do I want to know why?" I asked cautiously, freaked out by this horse faced jerk. He smirked, turned to me, and shrugged.

"That's up to you." I squinted while his smirk disappeared and he eyed me up and down.

"Why." He let out a heavy breath before raking his fingers through his hair.

"Ever since the fight, I haven't been able to keep my eye off you, you know. I don't know what it means just yet, but I'm pretty sure I have a good idea."

"And that idea is...?" The bell rang for class to start, the freak standing to his feet, smiling down at me.

"That, will have to wait for another day. See you later, Jeager." He gave me one last look before walking off, finding myself alone and mildly confused. I looked at the ground in front of me, trying to make sense of what just happened.

Shaking my head, I breathed out and stood up, heading to class.


"How many times are you going to get yourself beaten up, Eren?! What's going on?" Armin yelled from the other side of the bed. I wound up finding myself in the infirmary again, bruised front top to bottom. I thought back to the fight.

"You fucking fag."

"I thought you were tough, huh?"

"Come on, fight, you fucking pussy!"

"Fags like you should eat shit and die."

I sighed, tilting my head back, ignoring Armin. I guess people found out, didn't they. There goes my reputation, down the drain like the rest of me.

I closed my eyes to shut out those thoughts, hearing Armin's foot tap against the tile floor. While the sound echoed throughout the room, it was starting to annoy me. When the tapping only started to get faster, I opened my eyes and lifted my head.

"Armin would you-"

"Confusing me with that idiot? What kind of cruel joke are you pulling." I squinted at the guy, wondering why he was here.

"What was your name again, Jean, was it?" His eyes widened slightly, seeming impressed.

"Wow, you remembered my name. Kudos to you." He smirked to himself while he sat at the end of the bed.

"You ready to hear my idea?" Staying quiet, I kept trying to wonder what this asshole wanted from me. Nonetheless, I was curious.

"What is it." He smirked, swiping his tongue across his top lip and leaned towards me, staring me straight in the eyes.

"I want you." I blinked, his eyes still burning holes right into mine. I glared.

"Want me?" He bit his lip and sighed, sitting up straight again while ruffling his hair.

"Nah, forget about it," what? "Anyways, even if I did want to get a piece of you, it seems like someone already has their sights on you. Beware, Jeager."

And just like that he left the infirmary. With a bunch of what the fucks flying through my mind, I kept trying to think of who would 'have their sights on me.' Unfortunately, no names came to mind. I sighed in frustration, letting my head fall back against the wall.

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