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I sat in the booth watching my blonde haired boyfriend laugh and lean over the table. This was the 3rd time this week that he ran out of the house and met up with this dark blue haired girl.

She would turn red when they met up and come to the same diner.

I felt my heart ache as i grabbed my jacket and left. It was a full on affair.  Does he not love me anymore? Is he tired of me.? When he was the one that confessed to me first!?

"Sasuke?" Naruto says a bit suprised as he buttons up his jacket

"Ah, should i go?" The girl asks

Yes you should leave dammit. Know when you arent wanted.... ah but its me who isnt wanted right now.

"Yea, ill call you later." He smiles and waves her off

Telling another woman you'll call her later, right infront of me? Fuck you.

"Hey, wait! Your that kid who can do a 100 in 12 seconds. Right?" I call to a blonde kid as he pulls his shirt over his head in the locker room

"Mhm." He glances over and then takes off his basketball shorts

"Well, im the head of the sports division, and well.... would you join or track and field team?" I ask

My eyes glide down his stomach, his abs were perfect, and his back muscles made me feel like i was in heaven.

His finger lift up my chin, making me look his in the eye, "my face his up here. And no. Im not joining your team, my grades are trash, i cant meet the gpa requirement."

"Ah..." i trail off. My eyes glide down to his v line, the shirt he just put on gently showed off his figure. My eye fell a bit more before my face began to heat up.

He smirks and slipped on some joggers, "compression shorts." He says as he grabs his back pack

"What?" I ask confused, locking eyes with him

"The reason you hadnt noticed my dick print before is because i was wearing compression shorts." He smiles as he walks out of the locker room

"I wasnt thinking that!" I yell back at him

He smiles and glances over his shoulder, "i know."

My heart still beats fast thinking about that day. That was 2 years ago, our senior year. And 8 days after that, i confessed to him. He smiled and said he'd think it over.

His response was a simple "why not. I hadn't dated a guy before." And kissed me on the cheek

The walk home was silent. He adjusted his jacket a few time.

"Why were you here?" He asks breaking the silence, "i mean at the cafe."

"Is that a crime?" I snap back

"Ah, no. My bad." He fakes a laugh and lowers his head

I sigh, "i was passing by, and suddenly was in the mood for some coffee. This place is always open. So...." i trailed off

I had never lied to him before. And this hurt. I was the one being lied to. The one being cheated, yet i feel bad.

"I see." He replies

I see! You fucking see! Is that all you can say!?

I unlock the door and slip off my shoes. I hear him lock the door and i throw myself on the bed. I hear him shuffle around in the kitchen, probably eating some ramen before coming to bed.

He hangs his coat up in the room and his phone rings, "I-Ill be to be in a minute, let me take this." He walks out the room, gently closing the door behind him.

"What! Really! Thank god! I thought it was over." He opens the front door

I get out of bed and peek through the door. Who is it?

"Thanks so much Hinata!" He smiles and pulls the girl into a hug

She blushes and hugs him back, "no. Its nothing really. And im sorry for dropping by so late." She pulls away from him

A part of me feels as though he had already moved on and now he was dragging me along. Like it was all over before it began.

He kissed her cheek and takes a small bag from her hand before hugging her again, "g'nite hime." He waves goodbye and smiles at the bag once move.

I close the door before opening it again. "Hey, who was that.?" I ask and walk over to him

He drops him smile and places the bag beside him, "no one important."

He's lying. It hurt so much, so much to see him lie to me so easily. Maybe i should end it before its gets messy. But im in to deep.

He gently smiles and tilts his head to the side and walks into the bedroom, "you coming. Im tired, ya know."

Just with that smile and his deep blue eyes gazing at me like i was the most important person in the world, all my doubts washed away.

It's a misunderstanding, Naruto would never cheat on me. Or lie to me. Ill ask him about it in the morning.

"Yea im coming." I smile and walk into the room...

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