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Days had past and i hadnt seem his face. Heard his voice. He didnt even call..

Knock knock

"Its open." I call from the couch


"Naruto?" I jump up

"Ah, no sorry, Kurama here." He waves, "i know our voices sound alike."

"Hn." I lay back down on the couch

"Um. Im here to get some clothes. And a blanket...names Haruhi?" He laughs

"Oh yea, that thing. Naruto cant sleep without it." I smile and grab the blanket from off my bed

Kurama lowers his head, "he cant sleep at all."

I glance over at him and see the pain in his eyes.

"Its hurts me when hes hurt. So please apologize." He fakes a smile

"Why should i-

"Goddammit. You fucking Uchihas and your sky high pride. He's dying over there. He hasn't slept since he got here, he won't eat, im worried about him. He was sent to the hospital twice and put on an iv drip because he wasn't eating or drinking. I can't see him like that any longer." Kurama break down

I wanted to ask so many things but i couldnt, how was he doing? But i know that now, and is he sleeping well? But my questions were pointless.

"Sorry." He sighs and wipes his face, "i didnt mean to snap on you like that."

"Who was that girl?" I ask "The girl with the blue hair."

He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of him and the girl kissing, "her?"

I nod my head.

"She's my wife. We've been married since we got out of highschool. She planned our whole wedding so beautifully that Naruto wanted her to help with his. Since you both have small slinder fingers, he used her to try on rings." He explained and put his phone away

I lower my head, feeling my self about to cry, "asking me would have given it away right."

"Yea. Hinatas a doctor so between her night shifts she helps him plan, that why he just up and left. He had to catch her while she was free. And the cafe is closer to her job so they met there." He laughs a bit and scratches his head, "its was inconvenient for me, ive been clogged up for-

"Ah, i get it." I stop him

"My bad." He laughs and tilts his head. "I better get going. I have to get back to the house." He walks to the door before stopping, "Naruto wanted me to give you this." He places the black box from the other night on the table, "its the ring he got you. He's been jumping out of his sleep, crying your name for hours, and he just stopped trying to sleep in general, and every time he eats he just cries so hard he throws it up, so he gave up eating as well."

"Im sorry." I say to him, i honestly didnt know what else to say, "tell him I'm sorry and that i love him."

"Im not your messenger tell him yourself......" he stops for a moment, "oh and Sasuke. It took every atom in my body not you kill your right where you stand for what you did to him. But since he loves you- Uchiha, this is your only warning. Fuck up again, and ill personal end your life." He growls as he walks out the door

These Uzumakis were scary.

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