What they get you for Christmas

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Harry- Harry being an amazing boyfriend he is Harry got you a bunch of muggle chocolate and he gave you his quidditch uniform to wear until his matches.

Ron- Ron being a lovable foodie he is Ron decided to cook you food for Christmas. Ron failed at first so Mrs. Weasley had to help Ron cook so he wouldn't burn the burrow down.

Fred- Of all things Fred could have gotten you he decided to make you a victim of one of his and George's many pranks. This was meant to be nice and resulted in a nice necklace but you were still kinda mad at Fred for the prank.

George- Since George had known that you were fascinated by the muggle world, he had Harry and his dad pick up some basic muggle things that you could never get in the wizard world.

Oliver- Oliver got you a signed copy of Quidditch through the Ages. It was a big deal because Oliver had no idea what he could get you that would be special enough but you loved the book and it meant the world to him that you liked it.

Draco- As a Malfoy, Draco decided that he needed to get you an extravagant gift that his mother helped him pick. Draco had finally decided and got you a emerald ring that was simple and fancy at the same time.

Seamus- Seamus had to get Dean to help him figure out what a good gift for you would be. The two had thought that a Pygme Puff would be adorable as a pet and got you a purple on for you for Christmas.

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