How he asked you out

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Harry- Harry had asked you out a year exactly after you met. It took him a while to build up the courage to ask you out. He just brought you a cupcake from the house elves that had will you go out with me y/n written in icing on it.

Ron- You actually asked Ron out with food. You were spending your second Christmas at the Weasleys and Molly helped you make a cake to give to Ron to ask him out.

Fred- Fred wrote you an elaborate love letter asking you to go to the Yule ball with him.

George- During one of your prank wars with the twins is when he asked you out. You had just successfully pulled a prank on George where you slip some ageing potion into his pumpkin juice during breakfast. Later that day George slipped the same potion into your water  and said that he wanted to grow old with you and if you'd go out with him.

Oliver- After a quidditch match Oliver asked you out. He flew down to where you were sitting on the stands and asked you out in front of the entire school so you couldn't say no.

Draco- Draco was all confident to ask you out right up until he actually had to ask the question. Draco had this big speech prepared but at the last minute he sent you an owl asking you to Hogsmeade.

Seamus- Seamus asked you out when you first met. See how you met to learn more.

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