Chapter One

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I was running, a thing that had become a normal part of my life. The trees zoomed past me in a mixture of colours. I loved the forest the smell, the sense of tranquility that you could only get here. Despite my wolves protest I stopped, just wanting a moment to forget about running and take in the beauty around me.

I was happy, in a place of relaxation that almost made me forget why I was always running. I was a rogue and outlaw from my pack. My father was the Alpha of my old pack, he was a strong and fierce protector. One day we were attacked by none other than rogues, the very thing I am now.

Despite what you might think that wasn't how he or my mother died. No, it wasn't the rogues, it was something much worse. It was Andrew, my fathers trusted Beta. He used the rouges as a distraction to be come Alpha. I was only 12 when he killed them in front of me. He gave me a choice I could run and never come back or he would kill me too. I left, cowardly, hoping that leaving was the right choice. I had been a rogue for a week when I had turned thirteen, therefore going through my first shift. It was so painful, that I still look back trying to work out how I even made it through it. I was grateful though, I don't think without my wolf I would have even made it.

"Aww, someone's going sappy," said my wolf, Maia through our mental link, a talent which all werewolves shared. She was the strong one out of the two of us, her name meant brave warrior.

"Shut up you," I said back to her through our link. I shifted back into my wolf form ready to begin running again, when I sensed it danger.

'Leave it, where rouges we stick up for ourselves and ourselves only.'

'You know I can't' I said before walking towards where the danger seemed the most. I came to a halt when I felt that I was on the edge of crossing a pack border. I knew I shouldn't cross it, being a rouge if I were to get caught I could be killed. I was torn not sure whether to cross or turn around and keep running. A sudden scream decided for me and I leap over the border without a second thought.

I ran further and further into the unknown territory until I came to the source of a scream. There right before me was another rouge unlike my pristine white and grey fur his was mattered with patches of missing hair. He turned his head to me acknowledging my presence, but when I looked into his eyes I was almost terrified.

There was no sense of anything that was once human instead was pure animal. I had heard that was what happened to rouges when they had been without there pack for too long, that their wolf would take full control and the human part left of them would dissolve. I was always terrified that someday this would be my fate. Dismissing my presence the rouge turned his head back to what was in front of him. A girl probably not even five yet.

She already had long brown hair. Her brown eyes were clouded with fear as the feral rouge snarled stepping closer to her. I knew she was a wolf to though she wouldn't shift until she was of age. Though just because I had entered another packs territory's didn't mean that the whole population of the town was were wolves, humans didn't know about our species unless one of us was mated to them in rare cases in which they could be turned, in fact some packs are actually in human towns though most packs are in areas with a lower human population.

'Clara, wake up. Help her... Now!'

'Since when were you a team player' I said already taking a protective stance in front of the girl and snarling a the mangled rouge, telling him to back off.

'I honestly don't know. I feel some sort of bond to her.'

'Maybe we are going crazy after all.' I said to Maia. I could hear the girl beginning to cry behind me, I turned my head ever so slightly still keeping and eye on the rouge and nudged her slightly. She looked up her eyes all puffy, and without even thinking i licked away the tears that rest on her cheek.

A fierce grow broke me away from comforting the girl and instead I took a step towards the rouge, still in front of the girl I growled at him. We circled each other myself constantly switching sides not wanting him to get any closer to the girl.

Finally he pounced at me. He was slow and I took the opportunity to duck him and the sprang back to my paws to jump into his back. I bit into his shoulder blades, soon the copper taste of his blood filling my mouth. Still I kept my jaws clenched around his shoulder until I heard the satisfying crunch of the bone. He bucked me off whimpering as he put pressure onto his shoulder. He turned to face me snarling ever more ferociously, I still help my ground. He leaped at me again, I ducked once more and quickly went to grab his neck. Unfortunately I missed an he quickly had the roles reversed with his teeth sinking into my neck. I was clawing at his belly with my paws until I finally hit a sensitive area, causing him to realise his grip.

I was up quickly checking on the girl who was still stuck to the tree tears streaming. Unfortunately I had turned my back and the rouge took this as a opportunity clasping onto my leg with a strong hold he shook it until I heard the bone brake and blood drizzle down my fur coat. I whimpered though not giving up. He then bit my back my blood rushing out and threw me into a near by trunk. Sore and tired I still got up and went after the rouge this time getting my jaws around his neck and ripping his throat out his body falling limp almost instantly.

I turned to the girl to see if she was okay, nuzzling her before I began to feel weak. I suddenly collapsed to tired to attempt to stand again I let the sleep come to me.

So what do you guys think of my first chapter, let me know in the comments. What do you think the bond was that Clara and Maia felt towards the girl. at the top there is a photo of Clara's wolf aka Maia
Question: Of you could be any animal what would it be? Why?
That's it for now my lovelies
Rugrat out ✌️

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