Chapter Two

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I wake up feeling sore and tender. I try opening my eyes wanting to see my surroundings, but I can't. I begin to try and move but my body is still sore. I'm not religious , but holy damm Jesus it hurts. I suddenly hear footsteps approach and try and remain as still as possible.

"She's just unconscious at the moment which isn't surprising her body's just tired from healing all those wounds. They were pretty extensive. If she wasn't a wolf I would say they outcome might not have been the same. She strong though, and she will be great by your side."

What the heck was going on?

'Maia, Where are we'.

'Safe'. Was all she said before I felt the pull of sleep again. I tried denying it, but the pull was too strong to resist. Still not sure if this was the right decision I finally gave up and let sleep surround me.


I wake up again, this time though not as sore. I open my eyes to see that I am lying down in a hospital bed. I sit up taking in a better view of my surroundings. There was a door to my left, but before I could get up and make and attempt to leave a short plump woman entered.

"Afternoon dearie." She smiled at me revelling a row of perfect white teeth. I sniffed the air trying to sense if a she was a werewolf. She must have known what I was doing because she stated.

"Oh, were all wolves around here Miss." I relaxed knowing I wouldn't have to explain why I healed so quickly. If humans found out about our species it would be chaos. That's when I remembered why I was here.

"The girl, is she... is she okay?" I asked my voice a bit raspy as if I hadn't used it in a while, how long was a while.

"Oh, Little Maggie as well as well can be." She said gleefully. I was glad.

'Maia, where are we.' I was curious now, I could tell we were on pack lands.

'Safe.' Was all she said. I had a sudden sense of Déjà vu. I was starting to get really annoyed at Maia for her sudden liking to short answers.

"When can I leave?" I asked, hoping her answer would be soon.

"Oh you'll have to talk to the alpha about that, he's actually on his way now as we speak."


I quickly stood up knowing what the punishment for trespassing was. I looked around the room trying to work out how to get out. Then I saw the open window to my right opposite the door was a window. I ran over to it and looked down, I had to be on the second floor. An easy jump, I stood up and walked over to it. Hearing the nurse trying to call me back to my bed I jumped.

'What are you doing turn around and go back, where safe here. I know it.' Said Maia, ignoring her request I shifted and ran into the forest. I didn't know this forest well and was sureI was getting lost, no definitely, though I still kept running. I heard a bundle of footsteps that weren't my own. I stopped tacking a moment to even my breathing, when I was jumped on by a big wolf he was probably double the size of me. He was black with a white patch on his chest. He was he alpha.

Oh shit


Hi guys, I apologise I know this is a short chapter and will try and make the next one a filler. What do you thinks going on? At the top is a photo of Clara. ✌️

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