Chapter Thirteen

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"Noooooo!" I heard a woman scream next to me before, turning towards me with hatred in her eyes, and lunging but quickly Zander stepped in knocking her out.

"I killed him, it's over now." I mumbled to Zander, he nodded and told me I did well and that I saved a lot of innocent lives today. As a rouge I had killed before, but that was mostly in self-defence like those rouges from before the fight, but killing Andrew knowing he was my farther, was different. I felt guilt but I knew I had to do it that's what I kept reminding myself.

"Listen up, both Grienfield and DarkRaen pack the hospital is open to wolves of both packs, once you are tended to, there will be warriors from my pack to escort you to the pack house where we will meet in the auditorium." He said projecting his voice so that he could be heard everywhere. There was a crowd of 'thanks yous' coming in Zanders direction. He then held his hand out to me. "Come on, let's get you checked out." He then took me to the hospital, were I made sure I was the last one to be checked. It was just a habit as Luna to put the packs needs before my own. Finally once everyone was attended to the doctor came and took us inside his room, he cleaned the wound before bandaging it stating that it was already healing. Once Zander was sure I wasn't going to die we left the hospital and headed towards the pack building.

I had never seen the Auditorium so crowded before, there weren't enough room and people where having to stand. When Zander and myself everyone went quiet.

"Thank you, now let's get down to business. I know this is not your whole pack and I am aware that your loved ones are locked and as we speak we have people freeing them." There were cheers all round. I then took a breath before speaking.

"Some of you may recognize me some may not, I am Clara Grien but I am not the rightful Alpha of the Grienfield pack. What Andrew may have told you was a rouge attack was merely a distraction as he killed the Alpha and my mother of the pack before banishing me. However the Alpha of the Grienfield pack was not my farther as Andrew had raped my mother and here by created me. I may not be the rightful leader I thought I was, but I killed your Alpha here by making me your new Alpha for the time being. We will take over as Alpha until we can find someone suitable to take the role." There was mummer running through the crowds, Eveline than walked up on stage.

"As acting Beta of the Grienfield Pack, we agree and except your leadership." She said with a proud smile before cheers flooded my ears.

'Good job babe' Zander said whilst sneaking his arm around my waist.

"Grienfield Pack, myself and Luna Clara will escort you home so we may discuss matters with the rest of your pack and see to the wounded from the cells." Zander said before we all went and shifted minus myself who rode on Zanders back due to my injury. Within half an hour we had finally reached my home. It was funny how close my childhood home had been.

We then escorted Grienfield Packs wounded hostages and then briefed them on what we had said earlier to the rest of the Grienfield Pack. We had just finished and was talking to Hennery who was a great friend of my fathers, not Andrew but the man who raised me when Eveline came to us, we excused ourselves and turned towards Eveline.

"Andrews mate, Masie the one you knocked out earlier," She gestured to Zander. "She's awake and we found something in the cells that you need to see." Noticing the worried expression on Eveline's face Zander and I followed her, I felt myself getting restless as I began to wonder what it was we were going to see. We followed her to the hospital where she took us into a room. There lying on the bed was a man he was sleeping with wires hanging out of him, he looked exactly my age, scratch that he looked exactly like me. All of our features were the same the only thing different about him was that he was a male.

"Who... What... How?" I said lost for words. I wanted to know his this person was and I wanted to know now.

"We found him in a cellar in Andrews and Masie's house, when we asked who he was, he said his name was Will before passing out." She said whilst looking at him and me, obviously she was looking at our similarities too.

"I think it's time we went and saw Masie, don't you think?" Zander said looking at me. "Yes I think she owes me a lot of answers." I said as we followed Eveline out the room, I asked her to alert me when Will wakes up before walking with Zander to the Grienfield Pack Cells where she was locked up. She was in the last cell which was laced in silver, so she wouldn't try to break out.

"You!!" She screeched out, the rage was clear in her voice.

"Yes her, now Masie your going to answer everything she asks you. Do you understand?" He growled at her. She huffed and then nodded.

"Who's that man that they found in your house?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Aww, enjoy the family reunion did ya love." She asked in a not so realistic sweet tone.

"What?" I was getting really confused.

"He's your, big brother love or more precisely your twin, didn't that big brain of yours work that out." I growled at her. "How is that possible?" She was really frustrating me with her short answers.

"How dearie, well that's simple. I'm the one who delivered you, him too actually. I was your mother's doctor, I hated her as I knew she had your father's affection, and when he told me what he had done and I found out she was pregnant I was furious. We were going to kill you, but when I discovered she was having twins I hid the news and together me and Andrew hatched a plan. We would take one, for ourselves. And so when your mother was giving birth I sedated her and took Will for ourselves and hid him away before Alpha Jerimiah arrived were he witnessed your birth. Thinking you were his only child." She then began laughing, laughing and calling Jerimiah and my mother fools before laughing again, she was sick, as one would be when losing half of their soul.

That's when it clicked, I had a brother no, I had a twin.

I had this planned for a while now but I couldn't decide when to introduce the idea, so thought I would chuck it in now. How's everyone been going? Also please keep sending me book covers even if the last time I updated was months ago I will still look at them. At the top is who i casted as Will

Love ya,

Rugrat Out ✌

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