Chapter Twenty-Five

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I took two Panadol's out of the bottle and swallowed them hoping it would help with how shity I felt.

"That's it I'm taking you to the doctors today." Will stated as he stood up and reached for his phone.

"I don't need to go I'm fine you're just over-exaggerating." I said trying to persuade myself more than him really.

"You've been sick for two weeks Clara, you can't even walk two meters without getting dizzy spells and headaches, and some days you can't keep your food down." He said as he dialled the doctor's number.

"I haven't been sick for two weeks, I was fine last Friday to attend your Alpha ceremony."

"No you weren't Clara, you just wanted to come. You nearly fainted at the end of the night." I could hear the tone on the phone.

'Hi this is Alice, from The Rein doctor's office, how can I help you?' The woman over the phone asked.

"Hi, this is Alpha Will of the Grienfield Pack I would like to make an appointment for my sister Luna Clara right away please." He had finally had his Alpha ceremony last Friday, and was now the Alpha of Grienfield pack. Though he was currently looking after me for the past two days as Zander had to go to another pack as they had spotted Masie, though he was coming back tonight.

"Of course, come straight in and we'll see to you within five minutes." The woman said politely.

"Thank you, goodbye." Will said and hung up the phone.

"Come on then let's get you to the car." Will said before he helped me out of bed and down stairs into Zanders spare car. Within in ten minutes we were in the waiting room of the doctors.

"Luna Clara, there ready for you," the nurse said coming to get me. I stopped walking when I noticed Will was following me.

"What there's nothing better to do out here so I'm coming with you?" I let out a laugh and then walked into the doctor's office, I explained to him how I was feeling and he did a number of tests.

"Oh..." the said trailing out, his face held a look of realisation and then a smile took hold of his face, before it vanished and so did he running out the door in a rush.

"That's a good thing right, when they do that it's good." Will asked just as confused about the doctor's actions as I was. Shortly enough the doctor returned with bottles of what I could read where vitae's as well as what I could read where iron tablets.

"What's all this?" Will and I asked at the same time.

"Luna would you like to hear in a more private area," he said gesturing to Will.

"No I do not keep secrets from my brother." I said in my Alpha tone.

"My mistake Luna, Well my dear Luna you are pregnant. You have very low iron counts and need to take these," he said handing me the iron tablets. "Your low iron caused our body to produce less amount of red blood cells, which intern cause Anemia. Which explains the paleness of your skin, the light headed was and the constant headaches. Though if you make sure you take the iron pills you should be fine. Now I recommend you take these as well he said handing me the bottles of vitamins.

I was still in shock, I'm pregnant. Oh god I was pregnant.

"Thank you doctor, please do keep this quiet for now." He said to the doctor who only nodded, will then escorted me out of the doctor's clinic and home.

"I'm going to be and uncle." He said in a sing-song voice.

"I going to be a mum, oh my god I'm going to be a mum", I shouted happily before I went quiet again the second time is said it. I then read the instructions my iron meds and took one pill as instructed, and took two vitamins tablets.

I sat down on the kitchen bench, trying to process everything, when the phone began ringing.

"Do you want me to answer it?" Will said holding the phone up.

"No, its okay," I said taking the phone from him and clicking the answer button and placing the phone to my ear.

"Hello, this is Clara speaking."

"Ahh Luna Clara, this is Dr.Reed, I was a bit exited earlier and there were some things I forgot to discuss." He said taking a breath. "Now Luna I would like to make an appointment for you in three weeks as you will be equivalent to five months."

"I'm sorry doctor, but what do you mean equivalent to I thought werewolf pregnancies where four months?" I said a tad bit confused.

"Yes, Luna they are but Alpha pregnancies are only two months, now would you like to book in and ultra sound on sixteenth of this month?"

"Ahh, of course, yes." I said making a mental note.

"Well that will be all then Luna, actually you probably shouldn't shift during this period as it could harm the baby and yourself."

"Thank you, doctor."

"That's okay Luna, please do contact me if you need anything. Bye."

Great now I wasn't just sick I was pregnant and now couldn't shift. How the hell was I supposed to have a baby when there's someone out there who's trying to kill me and my pack. The baby wasn't even born yet and I was a terrible mother. I felt the tears slowly slip down my face, what was I going to do.


Hey guys, I hope your enjoying the book so far, remember to vote and comment.

Love ya,

Rugrat Out.

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