Chapter Fourteen

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" Clara, Zander. It's Masie she's escaped the security footage form the cells, has been wiped. I'm sorry" Eveline said rushing into Jerimah's old office where Zander and myself had been going through old files. After hearing that i was furious the woman who had been abusing my brother for years was free, we sent trackers after her but thy had come back with nothing. I had to let it go though, I had more important things to do.

Yesterday I discover I had a twin, a living, breathing twin brother. I had gone back to the hospital and the doctors had informed me that he wouldn't wake up until tomorrow. So I spent the night at the hospital with Zander whilst watching over Will, I presumed he was named after our mother Willow. Finally morning had come and Zander and myself had headed down to the hospital cafeteria to get some coffee before heading back upstairs. I almost dropped my coffee when we got back upstairs.

Will was sitting up on his bed, being checked over by the nurses. Finally they left leaving only Zander, Will and myself in the room. That was when Will noticed me. He's eyes began to tear up as did mine when our eyes met.

"You're her aren't you? The one they always talked about, your my sister right?" He asked never once breaking eye contact. I nodded was lost for words I was finally talking to my long lost brother who I never even knew I hat till yesterday, I could feel the vond between us it was strong.

"I leave you two, I'm going to head home. Eveline has organised a place for you to stay here for the night." Zander then kissed me on the head, whispered that he loved me into my ear and left.

"Is he?" Will asked confused

"He's my mate." I said while blushing, jeez I only just got a big brother and already his in protective mode. "Ahh, there your other half right, they didn't teach me much down there," He said quietly. "When I changed they would only let me do it in the cage." He was sad talking about his past and I could feel his sadness to. "I was educated though they hired me a tutor for most of my life expect for when I was sixteen they killed him in front of me."

"I'm sorry but she got away, we have people looking for her, and they won't stop until we find her."

"I figured she would get away, it's fine though I know you'll get her back."

"I'm sorry for everything that they've done to you, if I could have stopped it I would have." I said whilst walking up to him and sitting in the chair next to him, he lifted his hand and put in on mine squeezing it.

"You did, you killed him. He was no farther to either of us. Thank you." He said.

'He's not in a pack, he's our brother. Please' Maia said begging.

'of course thank you for reminding me.' I wanted Will to finally live the life he deserved, he belonged in a pack.

"Will would you join my pack, I know yo-" I wasn't able to finish as Will interrupted saying yes a million times. I was sure that I was the female twin not him.

"Okay, chill!" I said laughing. I got up and went across the room to the nurses table that had all the nurses' instruments on it. I grabbed a scalpel and walked back over to will.

"What the hell are you doing with that?" Will practically screamed. "Calm down you big baby." He pouted at my comment but stopped fussing.

"I Luna Clara Grien, except thee Will Grien into the DarkRaen Pack, do you Will Grien accept this offer?" I asked whilst sliding the blade over my palm.

"Yes." I then passed the knife to him, he then sliced his palm to and I joined your hands.

"Then I Clara Grien except thee into my pack." I then felt the bond between us sizzle as I felt Will's bond to the pack grew.

'Hey!' I said through our new link.

'Wow, this is really cool!' He said back.

"Tell me about her, about Mum." He said quietly.

"She was beautiful, looks and personality. I loved her. He killed them both of them in front of me. He tortured you for eighteen years, what's going to happen to us. What are we going to become. Will are we like him, are we going to be like him. Will I'm terrified that I will be like him." I was crying and so was he.

"I used to think that I would turn out like him. I was terrified that one day I would be the one killing people in the future. I used to have nightmares about killing people and enjoying it. I was so afraid. Clara, god I was terrified but then I met you Clara and I realized that were not gonna turn out like him. Because we have each other he didn't." We were both crying, and we let them flow down freely. He moved over and I joined him no the bed, both of us huddled together crying, over the loss of our parents. Over the loss of each other, over finally coming back together again and that's how we stayed that night.

A family finally reunited.


So who loves Will? This was such an emotional episode to write. An I really like Will and I can't wait to wrote more about him in the future I'm thinking maybe a spin off series of his story but not too sure yet. Up the top is Masie

Love ya'll

Rugrat Out

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