Back to Camp. Again.

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7 months later......
Training. Is. So. Damn. Hard. Says those demons and angels and whatnots. But with infinite energy and strength, it was a breeze to me and the rest of the regiment.
Chaos called me to his room and told me,"Percy, you need to go back to camp. An army of monsters have opened a portal from...... wherever monsters come from, other than Tartarus." I was shocked. Why would I want to help those...... people? They were monsters themselves. However, a gut instinct told me I would have to help them. I have my roots there. I gathered up my group and flew to Camp Half-Blood. More like Camp No-Heart.
In the dark of midnight,we landed in the middle of the camp, our weapons drawn. Nobody could see our faces, though I knew that they would recognise me. Me and my teammates crept into the Big House and woke Chiron up. "Who...... " he managed mutter before we silenced him and explained the situation, without revealing our names. Chiron knew that it was me. "Percy, how do you know all this?" He asked. I replied with a steely tone,"Chaos. Now shut up."
Chiron brought me to Bunker Nine, where Leo was still working. "Leo! Follow me. It's Percy." I called out. Leo did not hesitate to jump out of the area. And shout out to the rest of the world, "Percy is here!!!" Damn that over-over hyperactive kid.
Soon, we were surrounded by the whole Camp. Julian and Annabeth, as usual, were holding each other's hands. Stupid brats. I wish I could nail the flat of my new blade onto his face. "Oh, it's Percy," he spat out sarcastically. He cried out to the campers," I challenge the former hero, Percy Jackson, to a duel. No fatalities!" I accepted and stepped forward. Julian held Riptide while I wielded my sword, Darkwave. He slashed at me and I stepped to one side, then parried him. I tripped Julian and out my foot on his back and my blade at his neck. "I win,"I said simply.

Percy Jackson: Angel Of Darkness #1Where stories live. Discover now