Amber Crocker

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@theambercrocker: whatever you decide, do what makes you happy 💞

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@theambercrocker: whatever you decide, do what makes you happy 💞

@jackdail, @graysondolan and 321,345 likes


@hate7: with a face like that I don't think you could make anything happy

@thebreecrocker: everyone, That's my sister! Be jealous!!

@username10: you know sweetie, my lips won't just kiss themselves ...

@hate27: are you like 7 years old?

@hayesgrier: Damm, you fine girl 😍😍

@ethandolan: @hate7 actually that face could make me happy

@username91: 🔥🔥

@username77: #ambethan

@username46: #hayber

@theambercrocker: Thank you @ethandolan 💞

@tessabrooks: awe @ethandolan 's always sticking up for you, he looks like a keeper #ambethan

@username47: #heyber ❤️

@username74: #ambethan 🔥

@username56: #ambethan 💞

@jessconte: looking good lovely 💖

@hate9: How do these famous people find ugly hoes like you?

@username6: Gorgeous xx

@username777: You are my inspiration. You inspire me to be the best me I can be! 💓

@theambercrocker: awe you inspire me! 💞 @username777

@camerondallas: That's my best friend! ❣️

@username47: #camber

@hate47: ew!! This makes me sick

@lelepons: teach me how to look that hot 😍

@selenagomez: Damn, you looking fine girly! 💗

@username90: It's like a famous overload, nice work @theambercrocker. I'm so jealous ❣️💓

@theambercrocker: 💞 @camerondallas

@theambercrocker: Thank you so much 💞 you are both such goddess @lelepons @selenagomez

@hate34: ew look at her alien 👽 head

@hate73: my asshole is better looking than your face 😂

@hate57: she doesn't deserve any of this popularity

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