Amber Crocker

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@theambercrocker: There are two sides to every girl! 😈😇@thebreecrocker, @jessconte and 150 people liked this

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@theambercrocker: There are two sides to every girl! 😈😇
@thebreecrocker, @jessconte and 150 people liked this.

@thebreecrocker: I have the prettiest sister eva!! ❤️

@username1: so pretty 😍

@jessconte: Need to catch up with my girls soon @theambercrocker @thebreecrocker

@jackobrazier: @gabrielconte I guess we're not good enough 😂

@hate1: who is this and how does she know @jessconte ??

@gabrielconte: 😢😢

@theambercrocker: aw thanks @thebreecrocker

@theambercrocker: yes @jessconte we need to catch up, haven't seen you guys in so long missing you all like crazy 💞@gabrielconte @jackobrazier

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