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@celebgoss: Rumourhas it that @bellathorne has broken up with newly ex-boyfriend @ethandolan. After he was caught hanging out on @theambercrocker 's Instagram page. Commenting how beautiful she was and supporting her from the hate. Maybe she was getting hate for a reason? What do you guys think? Comment down below!
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@hate3: I hated them together anyway
@username7: aw goss yay!! Been dying for something this juicy
@hate6: ew why would he go for @theambercrocker
@username76: Yas now @theambercrocker and @ethandolan can date 😍
@username43: looks like @ethandolan got called out 🙁
@graysondolan: @ethandolan I think you need to see this .....
@hate973: @bellathorne better get some good revenge on that b!tch
@username: aw no they were so cute together #belthan
@bellathorne: once a cheater always a cheater
@username796: oh, @bellathorne just commented
@username36: did @ethandolan cheat on Bella?
@hate761: why would you cheat on @bellathorne you are such a f$*@boy
@hate379: I'm not an Ethan or Amber fan anymore, how could they do that to Bella?
@thebreecrocker: um, @ethandolan couldn't have been cheating with @theambercrocker for 1) she lives in Australia and he lives in LA. 2) they have never met and 3) Amber and I haven't left each other's sides in the past month. So get your facts straight before pointing the finger.