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@theambercrocker: Amber
@thebreecrocker: Bree
@jessconte: Jess
@gabrielconte: Gab
@jackobrazier: Jacko
@camerondallas: Cam

Amber: Look like Ethan was a bust

Jacko: what do you mean?

Amber: Turns out he's dating Bella Thorne

Jess: Aw honey, you don't need him anyways!

Gab: Jess is right, you were doing fine without him

Amber: yeah I know thank you all, but we didn't just break up. We would have to be dating for that to happen 😂 I did think there might have been a chance eventually but I guess not

Bree: didn't you guys only just start talking like 5 days ago?

Amber: yeah, But I wasn't expecting him to just be like " so you me let's date" after 5 days 😂😂😂

Cam: It's okay, you can still be friends with him right?

Amber: yeah of course, I'm not going to stop being friends just because he has a girlfriend . I'm not going to be one of 'those girls' about it

Bree: True!

Cam: yeah I gotcha 😜

Amber: on happy note, who's excited for tomorrow?

Jess: ME!

Gab: I second that!!

Cam: I third that!!

Bree: I fourth that!!

Jacko: I fifth That!!

Amber: Well I guess I sixth that 😂

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