She was born with Aspergers and Schizophrenia. She wishes she was normal but she knows she not. Her mom loves her but her dad is on the steady side. She moves wiff her grandparents and meets Malachi a boy who changes her ways Day by day but slowly.(...
"Wow these clothes do fit" I said looking in a mirrors that he had in the bathroom.
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"I just telling you know they are going to make you change" Malachi
"Nope they Ian making me change" I said grabbing a piece of gum *** "Hey I'm sorry I threw food on you could you and me be friends" Mia said holding out her hand
"Awww look at the sad puppy, No" I said closing my locker
"But I'm Mia Weinfield and nobody says no to me" She said semi yelling
"Look puppy I am a big dog and you don't wanna roll with me you are a yorkie I'm a pit and I will chew you up and spit you out" I said turning around
"Oh well you look her bitch I am Mia Weinfield and listen closely STAY AWAY FROM MALACHI AND I MEANT IT CUS I GET WHAT I WANT" She said putting a lot of force in her voice
I walked away laughing.
She just don't know who she messing with Obviously all that damn force in her voice I thought the bitch tonsils was gone pop out her damn throat
I laughed entering my class.
"Wassup Crazy" Some boy said
There's a ruler by your desk pick it up and smack him
No don't do that this is your last day of duty you don't want more do you
As I agreed with my second voice I turn around and stood up and walked towards his desk.
"Look Ian Mia bitch now look I'll drop kick slam your fine ass" He said covering his mouth
"Look first of all you won't do shit second of all I'm here to tell you my name is Nadia" I said waking to my desk *** "F, How did I get an F" I said looking at my quiz
"Cus everything is in lower case letters" She said looking away
"What the hell" I said
"You son of a bitch a F for lowercase letters" I said
"Excuse me" She said turning around
"You heard me Ian stutter did I no" I said throwing my balled up test at her
"Yea I'm on my way now" She said hanging up
"Ion think so" I said laughing
"How did you find me" she said backing towards her car
As she struggled to unlock her door. I shot my gun in the air making her freeze.
"Look I'm sorry D I just had to leave" She said crying
"No you didn't you didn't have to leave me you decide to" I said wiping my tear.
As she ran threw the alley I decide to take a short cut. As I was in front of her now I hide behind a dumpster as I heard her footsteps. I aimed the gun it hit her ankle she feel crying. I dragged her toward the car and headed off. *** I cut her arms and legs. I later sprayed toxic hearing her scream was like angles toward my ears. I shot her twice in her heart. I prayed for her to reach a better place. As I wrote her name down on the list
1. Serena Carmen 2. Kait Walker ⬇️⬇️
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How y'all like this chapter Ik it's short but oh well