Ryder Stone 03

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We walked into the bar and I saw a vaguely familiar face looking back at me. Then it all came to me.

"Mom." I breathed out, my eyes widened at the reality that I was just slapped with. My eyes darted to Sierra who looked completely serious.

"Hey, Ryder." She smiled, standing up from the bar stool and walking towards me. She placed  her arms on either side of me and gazed up at me.

"My have you grown" She spoke, slowly still smiling as she looked me up and down.

"Yeah, time flies by when you aren't around for twenty years." I spat harshly. I saw her eyes fill with sorrow as her hands fell from me. What I felt was satisfaction, I was two years old when she packed up and left me and Sierra behind, who was six months old.

"RYDER!" Sierra yelled at me, giving me a slap on my arm. I didn't care I just shoot daggers at the women who abandoned me.

"It's okay Sierra. I deserve it." My mother spoke calmly as she looked between me and Sierra. Damn right you do! I had to many things I wanted to say to her but my heart breaks just standing in front of her. How could this women stand in my presence and act like a mother now! Where were you when I needed you!?

"That's right you do. Where the fuck have you been? How could you leave your family, your children behind? We aren't some fucking luggage that you can just shrug off when you don't need us!" I yelled, causing all three of them to jump.

" I'm.. sorry. " Her head shoot down to look at her feet. She spoke so softly. It only made me more angry. I put my fingers under her chin and yanked it up to look at me.

"Apologizes are for the weak." I spat, glaring down at her. Her eyes sparkled along with the couple of tears that left her eyes. I let her chin go as I stormed out of the bar.

As I got out I walked over to the big oak tree and started kicking and hitting it as I yelled at the top of my lungs. I felt the tears that threaten to leave my eyes. I stood motionless for what seemed like forever before I felt a soft small hand touching my shoulder.

"Sierra... Leave me alone." I growled, I felt her hand tighten before pulling her hand away. I turned to see her with tears in her eyes. She looked up at me, clearly unknowingly giving me a pouty face. I pulled her to me and she rested her head on my chest.

"I'm sowwy" She sniffled through tears, all I could do was hold back the laugh and just pat her head. She tightened her grip around my waist and squeezed me.

"No I'm sorry. I am sorry but I can't do this.... I can't look her in the eye without losing my shit. She doesn't just get to show up after twenty years and get to pretend that everything is fine and I'll forgive her for running out on us." I growled in her ear as she just stood and sinked in everything I was confessing.

" I understand. I don't expect you to like it or love it.... But I know you'll do it because you love me" She gave me a cocky smile as she wiped her tears away.

"Look who's being all cocky." I smirked, cupping her cheeks. Her smile is so bright and cheerful. Father was right she's the brightness and me... I'm the darkness.

"Please Ryder.. I just want her and dad and you to all get along. At least for my wedding. I don't care about a day after my wedding. Just please, promise me you'll hold back until then." Her eyes once again twinkled back at me.

"For you... I will. But I can't be here. I'm going to go..." I tried to smile at her soft frown before twisting myself out of her arms before I turned to leave.

I walked down the road for a while before I stopped at a shack that had a bar sign on it. Whatever I need a drink anyways. I sighed rubbing my hands through my hair and walked to open the door. At first sight I saw two business guys sitting at the far part of the bar. I saw a women's back facing me as she was talking to the bartender. I sat a little from her and kept my head down.

"Can I get you anything?" The man was now in front of me smiling brightly. His hands on the bar leaning a bit over it as he looked down at me.

"Yeah, I'll have a whiskey sour" I shifted a bit uncomfortably in my seat. I kept my eyes on his but I leaned back in my seat to give us the distance he tried to close. He looked over my shoulder and nodded before turning to make me my drink.

I heaved a heavy sigh before the stool beside me screeched, letting me know someone sat beside me.

"Hi, I'm Lillian Fox." A young girl that was sitting at the end of the bar, spoke softly to me. I turned and jumped a little in my seat.

"Not interested." I shook my shoulders in disgust. And picked up the glass that the bartender placed in front of me. I nodded at him before picking it up taking a big drink of it.

"It's my face isn't it?" She questioned, not really looking surprised. I glanced at her and looked over her. She has a pretty nice body, but that face.

"Yeah." I nodded in agreement, turning back to my drink. Her small hand reached out and took the drink out of my hand and walked over to a small booth near the back before turning to wave me over. I sighed getting up and following her to the booth sitting rather close to her which caught her off guard. Her cheeks turning pink.

"You shouldn't be taking a strange mans drink" I smirked at her, reaching over and grabbing my drink back.

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