I'm not going to leave

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This is dedicated to my good friend, QueenDineen because we are both feeling very deprived of Waige feels. Also I wrote this while eating a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and crying because I miss my babies (it's only been a week and a half I don't know what I'm gonna do until Scorpion comes back on). I was also very tired when I edited this so excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes. Oh and I'm going to be putting any non-episode related one shots in this book/collection, that way they are all in one spot.

Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

The second she saw him come out from the dust she ran as fast as she could while screaming his name. She ran into him and he almost lost his balance before catching her. She buried her face in his chest holding him tight.

"I thought you were dead." She said softly. His face softened and he pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. "I-I heard the gunshots and the e-explosions and you d-didn't come out. Y-you weren't responding o-over the coms. I-I t-thought you were dead." She said and as she cried softly against him.

"Hey I'm here, I'm sore but I'm okay." He said trying to comfort her. "Hey Paige look at me." He said and she looked up at him slowly. "I promise I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to leave you. Okay?"

She nodded her head slowly, and began to respond before Toby and a bunch of other doctors came and joined them.

"Hey Paige, we've just gotta check him out okay? Why don't you come sit over here while you wait?" Toby said pointing at the makeshift chair near the ambulance. Paige nodded and reluctantly let Toby take her to the seat. While Walter was getting checked out the team comforted her and brought her water. As soon as Walter was done being pestered by various doctors he walked over to his girlfriend. Paige stood up instantly.

"How are you feeling?" She asked right away.

"Physically I'm fine, but I just want to go home and take a shower all this dust is making me feel really grimy." Walter responded.

"Yeah let's go home." Paige responded.


A few hours later everyone was cleaned up and had finished eating. Sylvester was taking Ralph home, Happy and Toby had left a few minutes before and Cabe was giving Sly and Ralph a ride. Paige had gone upstairs into the loft a few minutes prior and Walter was just putting the leftover pizza away. When he came upstairs he found Paige sitting on the couch with her head between her knees. He walked over to her and kneeled down in front of her. Walter took her hands in his and urged her to look up at him. Her face was streaked with tears again.

"Paige why are you crying?" He asked softly.

"I'm scared. I-I can survive Drew leaving, I can survive my mom leaving, I can survive Tim leaving, b-but if something happened to you and you d-didn't come home I w-wouldn't survive." She said softly.

"Paige I told you earlier that there is no way you can get rid of me. Even in situations like today I will always find my way home. I promise I am never going to leave you." Walter said. He shifted a bit and took out a small box from his pocket. Paige's eyes widened when she realized what was happening. He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring.

"Walter?" She asked softly.

"Paige before I start I just want you to know that I'm not doing this because of today's events. I have been planning this for almost 6 months now." Walter said.

"Six months?" Paige repeated.

"Yes, and Paige I know I've told you this before but I have been in love with you for a long time and it may have taken me longer to realize it but I do love you and those feelings will never change. You, me and Ralph are a family and we have been for a long time but that doesn't change the fact that I want more. I want us to be a legal family. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want to be able to call you my wife. I want to be able to officially call Ralph my son. And I hope that by asking you this will show you how much I love you and that I am never going to leave you." Walter said. "So uh Paige Dineen, will you marry me?"

Paige nodded her head and said, "Yes Walter, of course I will marry you." Walter smiled and took her hand. They looked at each other and smiled and Walter slipped the ring on her finger. They both grinned. Paige leaned down and kissed him on the lips. "I love you Walter O'Brien." Paige said against his mouth.

"I love you too Paige." He whispered as he touched their foreheads together.

"We're getting married." Paige said in disbelief.

"Yeah, we're getting married." Walter responded.

"I'm glad I was right about having a good feeling about this." Paige said softly.

"Yeah me too Paige; me too." 

AAaannd there it is. I really hope you guys liked it. Please comment if you did. Thanks for reading.

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