Always Here

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I randomly had this idea because I like it when Paige is worried about Walter so I decided to write this. It's a lot longer than I anticipated but that's okay because we are in a Waige drought and there are still over 100 days of hiatus. Anyways here's some worried Paige and some Waige cuteness.

Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

"Paige he's going to be okay." Toby said trying to comfort her. They had been sitting in the cold, gray waiting room for almost two hours. As soon as the gun was shot and Walter fell over clutching his side, Paige ran over to him as fast as possible. It was supposed to be an easy, safe case but of course, like always things went awry. The bank robber was supposed to be un-armed so when Walter went in to chase him Paige offered no complaints. The robber wasn't supposed to have a gun and Walter wasn't supposed to get shot, especially not a few days before their second anniversary. Toby had been running right behind her and while she grabbed his hand and told him to stay awake and to keep breathing, Toby was inspecting the wound. He had told her that her fiancé would survive; he had told her that the bullet didn't hit any major arteries. Paige sat with him the whole ambulance ride to the hospital. Toby and Cabe had to pull her away from Walter when the doctors rolled him to the surgery room. She was still in shock then, but almost two hours later the shock had worn off and she was in hysterics. Cabe had just come back from Ralph's school and Happy had taken him down to the cafeteria to get a sandwich. Cabe was trying to get a status on Walter, while Toby and Sly were trying to offer Paige comfort. Cabe came back a few minutes later with a doctor in tow and Paige stood up as soon as they came in her peripheral. 

"Mrs. O'Brien I presume?" The doctor asked.

"Soon to be, yes." She responded.

"I'm Doctor Davis I've been taking care of Mr. O'Brien. He is stable and he will make a full recovery. The bullet didn't go anywhere near his arteries or any internal organs. He didn't suffer from any internal bleeding we just had to stich and bandage him up a bit." Doctor Davis said.

"C-Can I see him?" Paige asked.

"He's sleeping right now but I can show you where his room is; and if you would like you can stay with him until he wakes up." The doctor responded.

"Yes please." Paige said.

"We'll stay here, wait for Happy and Ralph. You text us when he wakes up okay?" Cabe said and Paige nodded as she let Doctor Davis lead her to Walter's room.

"He should wake up in an hour or so. He'll probably be thirsty so I've left a bottle of water near his bed."

"Okay thank you." Paige said and she walked over to the chair that was near his bed. Before sitting down she looked at Walter and sweeped his hair of his forehead. She gently leaned down and lightly kissed his forehead. She sighed and sat down on the chair, grabbed his hand and closed her eyes.

Almost an hour later she was woken up by some grunting. Her eyes shot open and he gently smiled at her.

"You're up. How are you feeling?" Paige asked.

"Uh a little sore and a bit thirsty." Walter responded. Paige shot up from her seat and went to the other side of his bed to grab his water. She opened it and handed it to him. "Thanks." He said when he finished drinking. He shifted and groaned. Paige rushed back to his side and helped him sit up.

"Do you want me to get the nurse? Do you need more pain meds?" Paige asked worriedly.

"Paige, I'm okay I promise. It's just sore from the stiches." Walter said kissing her hand. "I promise I'm okay."

"Okay but you tell me if you need more meds." Paige responded.

"I will I promise." Walter assured her. Paige slowly sat down.

"Do you want me to text the team to come in?" Paige asked.

"In a few minutes I'm happy to just spend time with you first." Walter responded. Paige started tearing up. "Love why are you crying?" He asked while cupping her face.

"I was so scared. They kept telling me you were going to be okay but I didn't believe it until now but I'm still scared. You weren't supposed to get hurt today it should have been okay. We should be at home watching a movie or planning the wedding or packing for our anniversary trip." Paige said crying softly.

"Hey, Paige look at me," He said tipping her head up "we didn't know that he had a gun. We couldn't have known okay? No one knew. And I promise as soon as I get out of here we can and we will cuddle on the couch and watch a movie, and we will plan the wedding and I promise you that we will be going on the anniversary trip."

Paige closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his. She sighed softly and said, "no matter how long we're together I'm always going to be scared of loosing you."

"Paige first of all I'm always going to be here. Sometimes I may be bruised and sore but I'm always here. And second, I'm always going to think of saving you before I save myself, and I know you told me a while back to be selfish and think about myself but I'm always going to put you and Ralph first." Walter said. Paige abruptly pulled her head back and looked him in the eyes. For a moment Walter closed his eyes and awaited the slap that he thought was coming. What came instead was much better. He sighed softly when Paige kissed him gently.

"I love you Walter." She whispered against his mouth.

"I love you too Paige." He responded just a quietly. They sat together in silence for a few more minutes before the rest of the team, along with Doctor Davis. They all wished him well and hugged him, carefully, before the doctor told them that Walter needed to rest, but Paige could stay if she wanted. Happy and Toby took Ralph home with them and Cabe took Sly home to his apartment. Paige and Walter were alone again and they both fell asleep holding each other's hands knowing that the other would always be there.

So what did you think? Let me know, I love hearing reviews!

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