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Aannd I'm back at it with another Waige fic. So this is an anniversary fic and I kind of battled with the date because when we look at the episode dates, Walter and Paige got together two weeks after he fired her not four weeks like it was said in the ep. But just to make things less confusing I left it at May 1st.

Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

It was almost May 1st 2018. It had been almost a year since her and Walter had gotten together. Almost a year since Happy and Toby's wedding. It had been probably the best year of her life. Her and Ralph were finally, truly happy. She was dating the love of her life and it may have been rocky and awkward at times, but it had been the best and happiest year of her life. Walter may not think he's the most romantic, or thoughtful or sweet boyfriend ever, but his random kind gestures proved otherwise. Sometimes she would wake up to see a cute note on her pillow and Walter trying to cook breakfast, he may be a genius but he was not a great cook, other times she would get to her desk to find her favourite assortments of salty-sweet candies and chocolates. Sometimes he would text her cute things during a boring no case day and sometimes he would distract her from making lunch by coming into the kitchen to kiss her. Sure at times he could be awkward and say weird things but he wasn't normal. If she wanted normal she would have found someone normal. She didn't want normal, everyone normal that she previously dated left her. She had no doubt that he would ever leave her or Ralph.


Two more days until his and Paige's anniversary. He couldn't believe it had already been a year. A year since he told Paige he loved her, consciously, and a year since she said it back for the first time. A year since he heard the words he never thought he would hear from her directed to him, other than maybe in his dreams or fantasies, and almost a year since they were stranded on a island. He had literally never been happier in his life. Sure he was content when Scorpion started to take off, sure he was content when Paige and Ralph came into his life, but he was never truly happy. Now he was happy and in love, something he never thought he would feel. He was truly trying to be a good boyfriend, he was trying to be sweet and thoughtful and he knew she appreciated it when he did the little things like trying to impress her with breakfast and giving her small gifts on her desk. And he truly enjoyed being able to kiss her and hug her and being able to hold her hand and looking at her. That was perhaps one of his favourite things to do. Before they started dating he would look at her and quickly look away when she noticed. But now he could look at her all he wanted. Sometimes she would look up and smile an him and neither one of them would look away until someone broke them out of their trance. He was glad he didn't have to feel embarrassed every time she caught him looking at her. He discovered something new about her every time he looked up and saw her. Sometimes her eyes would be different colours, sometimes she would do her hair a different way or sometimes she would wear a new outfit, something he used to always notice but never point out, now he could point out that he liked her new skirt. He was able to compliment her without feeling out of place. He was glad he was able to do all of these things.


Tuesday May 1st 2018. Walter and Paige's first anniversary as a couple and Happy and Toby's first anniversary as a married couple, everyone was in a happy and giddy mood all day. When Paige woke up she rolled over expecting to find Walter, but instead she found a heart shaped box of salted caramel chocolates and a note. She sat up in her bed and took the box and the note and started to read,


Good morning, I know you probably didn't expect to find this note but I figured I would get some breakfast (don't worry I'm not cooking it). I'll be back shortly. Happy Anniversary, I love you.

Love Walter.

Paige smiled and lied back down on the bed. A few seconds later, she decided she might as well get up and take a shower while waiting for Walter to come back.


When Walter came back to Paige's apartment he heard the shower running. He decided she might find it pleasant if she found the bouquet of flowers on the bed, so he quickly went and placed them next to the clothes she had picked out for the day. Then he returned to the kitchen and tried to make their breakfast from Kovelsky's look as pleasant as possible. He placed both of their egg bagels on a plate and poured the coffee into individual mugs. While he was arranging everything on the table he didn't hear Paige come up behind him. She hugged him from the back and he smiled.

"Thank you for the chocolates and the flowers and breakfast." She whispered.

He turned around to face her and smiled, "Happy anniversary love."

She grinned and said, "Happy anniversary. I love you my big nerd."

"I love you too my little arrhythmia." He said softly before kissing her. "So did you like the flowers?"

"Yes they are beautiful. I love all the colours." She responded.

"Oh yes the colours have meaning, the yellow ones symbolize friendship because you are my best friend, the red ones because they symbolize love, the pink ones because they symbolize admiration and gratefulness and the lavender ones because I know you like the colour."

"Oh Walter that is so incredibly sweet and thoughtful." Paige said.

"I do try." He responded.

"I know you do Walter." Paige said softly.

"So uh I know this isn't the most gourmet of breakfasts but I got egg bagels and coffee with extra cinnamon, just the way you like it." Walter said offering her the seat at her dining table.

"Thank you Walter, I couldn't have asked for anything else." She responded and he grinned.

Okay so I know this ended a bit weird but I tried other endings and they didn't feel right so I figured this would have to do. I hope you liked it, it kinda took me a while to write because I kept getting distracted but I made this extra long because it took so long to write. Anyways hope you liked it.

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