All About Yesterday

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Flash back

They said destiny can be delayed but it can't be denied, do you believe in that? Alhamdulilah everything is going smoothly the way I want. Yeah I know this a new beginning for me and am ready to fight it, I will fight it to my last breath Insha Allah.

I can't just believe this Its my wedding day! My heart is filled with  joy and happiness , can't wait to be with him. Being with the man of my dreams had always been the greatest wish I have ever asked God for and finally we are going to tie our knot today, the wedding fatiha is few hours From now.

But why are my siblings sad? Aren't they supposed to be happy? Questions keep turning and burning inside me.

Mummy has started again, why is she crying now for God sake, it's my wedding day . why are they all like this?

Amin please do something my baby is to young... She stopped nd burst into tears again too young to get married.. Mum said to dad .

what are you saying? the deed is done, the wedding fatiha is over. what did you want me to do?

Or have you forgotten that suhailat brought this upon her self, so she should be the one to bear the burden.

she choose it over her education.. Had it been I opposed her nd force my own decision on her things would have become worst than he'll such as unwanted pregnancy so let her be its now left for her dad said sadly as he stood helplessly in front of mum.

oh Lord! help my only daughter, my princess! in the journey of marriage. Because it's can only be handled by matured adults, oh lord! guide her with the spirit of perseverance and endurance.

she is just a little girl daddy soliloquize, Halima l(mum) the guest are still around get hold of your self dad muttered

The brides room
Fariha (my best friend) did you noticed something wrong with my brothers? I asked.

Of course baby you are their only sister what do you expect? they are sad because you are leaving them..said Fariha.

but am not leaving them permanently, i will visit them regularly and i believe they will too...i sad sadly.

oh oh poor suhailat Fariha uttered and wrapped her arms across my shoulder, am gonna miss you too she muttered, enough wit the drama I lamented

suddenly ya sagir (eldest brother) barged in" hello ladies "Hi Fariha replied as she walked outside to give us some privacy.

Congratulations princess he said with a fake smile on his face which i knew already. Thank you big brother, i appreciate,Princess he said and gasped.... What? I asked

He sat on the bed and hold my hands princess you know we love you so much and we will always do.. "Yeah I know" from his facial expression you can tell what he is up to.

He wanna discourage me about the wedding that's been done already but, why are all of them against it? some many thoughts stock in my mind.

princess are you sure you are ready for this? Ya sagir asked "of course I am" why the drama? Why the questions? It's already late for such, you guys took this whole wedding stuff to be serious am okay.

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