Couples Bite

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Zainab ☝


Sudais walked slowly and stood close to her

"Zainab calm down its not what you think " he said gently

And collected the phone forcedly away from her

" Give me back my phone" she yelled

He looked at her, very carefully and disgustingly, I can see the anger in his face the facial expression was why sis? even if is inaudible.

"You know, you don't have to intrude in whatever I and my wife do, for God sake am now a family man, I have my own choice and I can do whatever I want. " He nagged

The situation is becoming overbearing, the boring Zainab changed my baby's mood, his very angry, and they both started endless arguments, resulting into an issue, oh my God I can't believe this . Why she so devilish?

"Sudais" she called nicely

Am your sister, and you know I won't cheat you right? Women do the cooking not men, and trust me when I said this girl is good for nothing bitch.

Zainab!! He shouted.

"Can you please see the door? If you don't mind". He frowned.

She looked at me very spitefully and smirked her facial expression was am not yet done with, you ant and mine was jobless trash.

My phone? She demanded harshly and walked out.

Sudais averted his gaze to me, I was already feeling insulted and abused, I couldn't help but feel pale, she is so mean.

Am sorry " he whispered silently.

So sorry" he muttered and engulfed me into a fervent hug, caressed me upstairs, straight away to our bathroom, he hopes showering together might improve my destroyed mood and believe me it was fantastic, he has a well built body,his parks, everything on point, what else do we expect from an army man? Am proud of him, his white teeth whiten my whole life and his heart flattering manly voice takes all my misery away. I love him bohot bohot (so much).

After an hour .

We came out from the bathroom clinging to each other and stopped at our closet, he held me by the waist and selected a red teddy for Me.

"Take" he offered

"Or shall I put it on you " he winked.

I crooked my eye brows weakly. You ain't serious

" Nah"

Why baby? He pleaded.

"Give it to me and I took it away from him false fully and moved to the edge of the bed"

"Aren't you satisfied with all the drama in that happened in the bathroom?

You know I can't resist you right? He walked towards me and hugged me from behind. And began to do things I can't explain.

It was pleasurable, I have to bite my lip

Sudais!!! Stop it "

I pushed him away and ran to the bathroom.

He chuckled so hard and moved to the closest and quietly had an ash colour stunning jalabia.

Just when is about to leave he stopped at the front of the bathroom tried to the door but unfortunately she looked it with a key .

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