Alex Høgh Andersen Baby Reveal

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 You and Alex met on the set of Vikings and it was love at first

sight. A dream team filming and even more so in person and

dating. Nothing seemed to be too much of a challenge and

nothing stopped you two peas in a pod. That is, until the

mishap you were too afraid to admit or come forth with. Timing

was everything but this, this didn't have a time or place. There

wasn't about to be any waiting though ⚤

Mood Board Here

Humming slightly to yourself, the day on set proved to be less stressful than you first anticipated. Worn over with wrought and worry, you'd been awake all night long thinking, debating and planning just how. How you were going to tell him. When it would be during the day. Who you'd let be around when you told him. Every tiny minute detail thought over and over again, wearing ragged on you.

"Y/N!" Alex hailed you from across the courtyard. You, and quiet a few others on set looked up when he rang out loudly.

Shit!, panic stricken you glance around to see if maybe a get away before he came over was possible.


Out in the open standing by a refreshment table and no one even loitering around to dart behind. You recalled Ida had been at your side moments before but her sudden disappearance would earn a bitching about later. That was if there was a later.

"Y/N! Hey c'mon!" Alex grew closer and before you could do anything he trotted up with plastic container in his hand. Looking at the item he held, Alex picked up on your wordless question, "It's lunch!" He beamed merrily to you, big toothy grin as he produced the plastic box out to you, "I had catering bring us sushi when they did a roll call on requests earlier."

Double shit! You curse to yourself loudly in your mind. That test you took the night before glaringly stated positive. Raw fish, never again.

"Don't you want some?" popping off the lid Alex wafted in the fishy aroma himself then held it under your nose, "I got our favorite~"

Hurry, think fast, he still doesn't know. Droning on in your own head surely didn't help the dumbfounded expression you were giving Alex.

His blue eyes lowered a little bit in defeat and he frowned, "Are you not hungry? We can get something else. Or if you're not hungry we could grab a drink, we could go out and-"

"I'm pregnant!" Just as soon as you blurted it out, red flushed over your face and you immediately clasp your hands over your mouth.

Awe struck, you don't hear Alex pop off right away. Then you realize Alex is just starring at you, without blinking, without a word. His blue eyes stuck on you like someone had pressed pause on the entire situation.

Terrified you broke the young man, you muster up the voice to say anything at all just to fill the silence, "Alex I-"

"We're pregnant?!" not controlling his volume in the slightest Alex announces it extremely loud a second time like he's trying to draw attention.

"Shh! Shh sh sh!" grabbing for him, you jerk impulsively to cover his mouth, "Alex be quiet I haven't-"

"We have to tell everyone!" he dodged you quickly before clamoring around you.

"What-?!" a look of horror fell on your face, his reaction less of what you planned for.

"Mom, dad! Marco! Jordan and Sophie! We have to make cards! No video announcement, no letters!" spinning his ideas out loud Alex lost you way before any of his ideas left his mouth. Running fingers through his brown hair he looks around to nothing but the urgency in his heart, "We're pregnant!"

Stunned, more than anything shocked at what has fallen from the twenty two year olds mouth, you stare at him in wonder. You don't even have to say anything before Alex takes you in a giant hug and buries his face into your hair.

"I get to be a dad!" Excitedly he starts kissing all over your face rampantly. Suddenly stopping he holds you out at arms length, serious etched on his face and asks, "'s mine right?"

Disgusted he even suggested that it wasn't, you react by a light gut punch into his leather suit and glare at him, "Of course it is you idiot!!"

"Oh thank god!" like it even was a reasonable answer he still lets a long breath out and grabs you back against his chest, "I've got so much to do! Everyone has to know! A baby shower and clothes and doctors and-"

Within seconds it all sank in at once with him.

"Oh god," Alex's blue eyes huge as he stepped back as though he was woozy, "Oh dear lord I'm going to be a dad, a dad and a baby. A tiny little human baby. How do I take care of my own!? My nieces and nephews are one thing, but my own- We need books! Yes books!"

Jumping right back onto the band wagon Alex lays a big wet smooch on your lips, well half your lips half your chin from poor aim, and hugs you tight, "How far along are we??"

Taken back by the question, you blink trying to find the point in any of his spontaneous outburst and how this really wasn't how you imagined he would react to the knowledge, "Uh...I mean, I just checked last night...maybe a month..."

"Good we have time! Lets get more tests and I wanna see it for myself!" Ecstatic Alex combs his hair back repeatedly like a nervous tick, "A whole bunch of them! And we can send one pee stick to my parents! And my sister, and your parents! And Marco!"

"I am not sending a pregnancy test to Marco!" Blurting out in his obscene idea you swat at his chest, "I'm not doing another unless at a doctors!"

"Then I'll go find the one you must have thrown out at the apartment!" hard to tell if he was joking, you realized Alex wasn't when he took off like a bee towards the parking lot.

Ripping towards him you scream at the top of your lungs, "Alex Høgh Andersen don't you dare dig through my trash!"

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