Psych Ward Visits

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 It had been a few months after the whole getting his soul back. Your boyfriend was finally back to normal... Well except for when he started seeing Lucifer. You tried to help in anyway possible but soon Sam was pushing you away. He told you Lucifer was doing terrible things to you to torture him. You try comforting him in so many ways but Sam shuts down.

It isn't long and he checks himself into a psych ward. Your heart breaks softly. Dean could see how much pain you were going through. Dean tried to occupy you the hours you couldn't see Sam. You are sitting in the library trying to read but not succeeding... Your mind wanders to Sam. You were only able to see him for an hour today.

"Hey kiddo." Dean says walking over.

"Hey Dean." You reply trying to focus on the book again.

"How was Sam?"

"He's still convinced I'm getting hurt whenever I'm around him.." You say softly your voice breaking.

"Hey, lucifer is just messing with him." Dean says soft. "Sam loves you (Y/N)."

"Dean there has to be a way to stop him from seeing Lucifer.. I miss my boyfriend. I don't sleep at night, it hasn't been the same." You sigh.

"I know kiddo. I miss our Sammy." Dean chuckles a little.

"Isn't there..." You stop dead in your tracks remembering your favorite feather brained angel. "Never mind." Dean knew exactly what you meant and his hand touches your softly.

"We will find something kiddo." Dean responds. You nod a little. "Get some rest so you can go see him in the morning."

"Okay Dean." You nod shutting your book. "Love you."

"Love you too sweetheart." Dean responds hugging you before wandering off to his room.

You yawn and make your way to Sam's room (technically it was your room too but you still called it Sam's). You open his closet and grab one of his long sleeved shirts. Pulling it on you crawl into bed and grab Sam's pillow. It faintly smelled of him still.

You pull it to your chest and close your eyes. You drift into a sleep but are immediately awoken by a nightmare. You jump awake to find Sam not in the room to comfort you. Frowning you crawl out of bed and head for the kitchen. When you reach the kitchen you look for the tea Sammy usually makes for you when you have a rough night.

It brings up a bunch of feelings causing you to cry. You wanted Sam back, you wanted his smile, his laugh just everything back to normal. You barely hear the footsteps that come into the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo," Dean says softly. "Come on." You look at him and he sighs. He pulls you into his arms and kisses the top of your head.

"I want to see him now." You mumble.

"In a few hours sweetheart. I promise." Dean says soft. "Let's get you back into bed." You try to protest but Dean drags you along. You sigh and he opens the door to Sam's room. He pulls back the covers and tucks you in.

"Dean.." You start.

"Shh." Dean says softly. He starts humming and before long you fall back into a sleep.


   Morning comes quick and you wake up to find Dean sound asleep next to you. You stretch and chuckle a little. He was always such a protective guy. Especially when it came to Sam or you.


He moves a little but doesn't wake. You groan and look over at the clock. You had two hours before you had to be at the psych ward. You grab the pillow and whack Dean with it.

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