Cooking (Gadreel x Reader)

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 You had been trying to teach Gadreel how to make pancakes and a full breakfast but he kept messing up. You found it cute how frustrated he was getting.

"No, like this." You say soft moving his hands where they needed to be." Gadreel groans. You hide your smile and he tries again. He ends up burning the toast and you can't help the giggle that escapes. Gadreel snaps around to face you.

"This is funny to you?" He frowns.

"Oh no baby, it's just adorable." You giggle.

"What?" He demands.

"You are freaking adorable babe. The level of frustration." You laugh. Gadreel looks at you again.

"I'm adorable." He states. You nod your head and bite your lip.

"Quite." You say innocently. Gadreel gives you the common bitch face and then grabs a hand full of the flour. He throws it at you and you gasp.

"Did you just throw flour at me?" You demand. Gadreel tries to act innocent and you jump at him. Gadreel catches you and tickles you. "GADREEL!" You scream. Your brothers run down the hall thinking something bad happened. Instead they stumble across you covered in flour and Gadreel on the floor laughing with you. You kiss him softly and he smiles up at you. Your brothers clear their throats and you turn red.

"Hi boys." You say innocently.

"You are cleaning up this mess." Dean warns.

"Hey Dee.." You frown and he falls for it.

"What is it kiddo." He asks coming over to you. You wait til he's close enough and then jump into his arms.

"love you." You laugh and he groans. It starts a full out war. You scream when they all gang up on you. Gadreel only laughs and kisses your lips.

"I love you." Gadreel says soft.

"I know." Gadreel only chuckles and you start clean up in the kitchen.

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