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Twenty- Øne Piløts! Migraine! Love these rad dudes. Best ever. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter and don't get a Migraine while you're reading. Enjoy!

Roman's POV

"I-I can't." Brynn said. I asked her to go back to Brian. Just to spy for us.

That won't hurt.


"You need to do this. I can't let him do this again. Please Brynn?" I begged. Hell, I hate begging, but I need to do so in this situation.

"I don't know. What if he tries something?" Brynn asked nervously.

"I have some back-up men. They are my best and they will be watching. I promise."

Brynn dotted her eyes around the room nervously. I could to she was hesitant. I would be too. I mean, she's going back to a possible pedophile to spy.

"I-I'll go." she whispered. "But I have to tell you what he said last."

"What did he say?"

"H-he said that I-I had t-to k-k-kill you a-and make sure y-you were d-d-dead." Brynn stuttered. I've never seen her like this.

Then again, I don't really know her at all. Should I trust her?

Maybe I should. I mean, she knows the most information.

I mean if Riley trusts her, then it should be fine.

"Alright. I'll have some people following you. They will be as their wolves, but they are all black wolves. That should make it easier. Okay? They also have gold necklaces with a R in the center"

Brynn nodded uneasily. "When do I leave?"

"In two days at night. That way, it will give me more time to hide down, and pretend to be dead. That way, he won't suspect anything."

Brynn let some tears escape down her cheek. "I-I'm scared." Brynn whimpered. She sounded like a lost child who had just lost her mother. I engulfed her in a hug, and signaled to one of my top men, David, that everyone else should come in.

David did what I asked, and everyone came in. Chase took Brynn in his arms and assured her that she would be okay.

I don't think she was convinced, because she started crying harder.

I gave Chase's shoulder a squeeze before he stopped me. "He won't hurt her, will he?"

I shook my head. "No. I'll make sure of it."

"Thank you." he whispered, before maintaining all of his attention on a very scared Brynn.


"Are you all ready?" I asked my men. They were going out after Brynn.

"Yes sir!" they all said.

"Your duty is to protect Brynn, make sure she doesn't get hurt."

This time, Matt or Noah didn't laugh when I said 'duty'. They were pretty serious about the whole thing.

"Yes sir!"

"I want you all to stay hidden away so that Brian will not see you."

"Yes sir!"

I took in a sharp breath. "Circle out." I commanded. Brynn was in Chase's arms, while he held her tightly to himself.

He let out a breath and turned her around to face him. "Stay safe. I love you." he said, placing a kiss on her lips.

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