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Riley's POV

"Ready?" Asher asked me.

I am going to see Roman. It has been two weeks and I think I might just die. I nodded slowly as Asher guided me to the car.

Mom and Dad walked up to me and gave me a hug right before I left. "You tell us everything that happens Marshmallow. I know that things can and will be right again." Dad said.

"Be safe honey." Mom sniffled. "Come back anytime. It is still your home."

"I promise. I love you."

"We love you too baby." Both of my parents waved to me as Asher started driving. I turned around to face the front, and I saw that we weren't going in the direction we were supposed to.

"Asher, where are we going?"

"Somewhere." he answered smirking.

Minutes later, we pulled up in front of an old shed surrounded my wolves.

Asher stepped out of the car and I mirrored his actions. The wolves stood tall as soon as they saw me step out. One of the wolves shifted and I looked up at what seemed to be his 6 foot tall frame.

He stuck out his hand for me to shake. "I am Purple Panther, leader of the Purple Panthers."

I tried as best as I could to contain my laughter. I shook my hand in his gigantuious one.

Me and my gigantuious words.

Yeah. That's in the Riley dictionary.

"I am Yellow Kangaroo." I said fake bowing. Asher started laughing as he bent over clutching his stomach.

"I see you have a sense of humor on you. Alright. Everyone head out. Let's meet your mate." Purple Panther commanded, and all of the wolves ran towards home.



I stared at the door that led to the Revolution Pack. I cold breeze flew over my back as I reached for the door.

I turned around and Asher nodded at me, motioning for me to knock.

I knocked once.




I decided to just go in. The Purple Panthers and Asher behind me, I slowly stalked inside the house.

If I could have died that moment right then, I sure as hell would have.

"Roman. No....." I whimpered as I kneeled next to him.

Bloody Roman on the floor. A note next to him that read:

Dear Riley,

You will be next. Now that he is out of the way, you can finally be together. Six feet under ground. I told you he would pay for taking what was mine. Just think of this as a warning.


Tears poured out of my face as I tried to figure out what was happening.

"Asher! Asher help!" I cried out.

No. This can't be happening. Not to him.

Asher and Purple Panther sped inside, their eyes popping out as they saw Roman. "Go get Leah!" Asher commanded as he checked Roman's pulse.

I ran out of the living room and into the main pack house, or the lounge as humans would call it.

People started cheering when they saw me, others had worried faces, while the rest continued what they were doing.

I ran into the office, where Linda, Jason, Jasmine, Lucas, and Jamie were. All heads snapped to me as I tried to make out words.

"Roman.....blood.....Brian.....help." I wheezed.

"Roman? What's wrong?" All of them asked.

"Brian, he did something to him. Bleeding badly. Help!"

Leah gathered her things while Linda stared at me in shock. "Where?"

"At home."

"Alright, I need you to stay here with everyone else."

"What? No! I need to see him. I need to be with him!" I cried.

"He needs air. We don't want too many people. Stay." That was all Leah said before leaving.

Linda was crying while the kids were as confused as ever. Lucas held Linda as she cried. He acts like her son.

Her son. Roman.

"Mommy, don't cry. Roman will be okay. He said that he is always okay." Jasmine said.

"Yeah. My big brother can do anything." Jason beamed with pride. I guess I would be proud to have someone like Roman.

Or just Roman.

Jamie laid her head on Jason's shoulder as he stroked her hair.

He is so much like his brother.

I walked over to Linda and placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked up, and nodded. She looked pretty convinced.

Now I just have to convince myself.


I paced around the room. Leah was still operating on Roman.

"When will he be okay? Just let him be okay." I cried out. No one was there. Everyone else went home. Lucas practically had to drag Linda out of here.

Mom and Dad came by for a while, but then had to go.

A few minutes later, Leah came out. She took off her gloves and sat down next to me. "He's fine. Stressed, but fine. He needs rest. You can see him for a while."

I nodded at her at frantically got up. I walked slowly into the room, and saw Roman staring at the ceiling.

"Roman." I croaked. Tears were already forming in my eyes.

Roman was bandaged carefully around the bott half of his torso. He turned his head to face me. "Princess." he whispered. Then he brought his hands out. "Come here."

I did as he said and gave him a hug. I missed him.

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