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Riley's POV

"Please don't cry Ri Ri." Matt said quietly.

This is what the world does to me. I sit on my bed, crying my eyes out.

Because of a boy.

"Why would he fucking do that?! He played with my feelings! I trusted him." I yelled out in frustration.

"It was probably a mistake. He didn't mean to say that." Noah said trying to reassure me.

It wasn't working.

"It's not everyday that your boyfriend randomly walks up to you, calls you a slut, then breaks up with you. It just doesn't happen."

Matt and Noah exchanged glances before remaining silent. Then Matt spoke up. "Maybe he was going through some shit."

"Bullshit." I muttered before climbing out of bed. "I won't let it get to me. Fucking this shit, I'm leaving."

"You can't leave! You're Luna." Noah gasped.

"Watch me." I said through gritted teeth.

I grabbed my clothes and smashed them into the nearest suitcase. Who gives a fuck if I'm Luna? He should be doing his job as Alpha and treating his pack well.

"Don't do it Riley." Noah pleaded. "It'll tear Roman apart."

I grimaced when I heard his name. "He should've thought before he spoke." I said, putting the rest of my clothes into the suitcase. I grabbed another suitcase, and packing the rest of my belongings.


Roman's POV

"What exactly did she do?" Mom asked.

"She cheated. The Luna of the Revolution pack cheated!"

Mom looked like she didn't believe it. "Roman, I don't think Riley would do that. She's a nice girl. Takes after her parents."

"Mom! She was with a guy. That wasn't me! She gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him. She has been with that same guy for three weeks! She blew off all of pur time together to be with him. What does that sound like to you?"

"Jealously Roman."

"You're not helping." I stated.

"What am I supposed to say? You are just assuming. You don't know what she was doing."

"So it's just a coincidence that she has been hanging out with the same guy for three whole weeks?" I said, sarcasm heavy in my voice.

"Like I said, you don't know what she was doing."

I stayed silent. I didn't think of that.

Nope. Not feeling guilty. I'm not going there.

A voice cut through my thoughts. "Riley's not coming back?" Jasmine asked. I picked up my little sister and sighed.

"No, she's not."

Mom looked sad and disappointed as she made her way up the stairs. Jason sat quietly in the corner, then getting up and following after our mother.

Jasmine let stray tears run down her cheek. "I liked her. She was my friend." Jasmine sniffled. "Why isn't she coming back?"

How would I put this to a six year old child? "She doesn't like me anymore."

"That's not true. She came over last time with Lucas and his little sister, Jamie."

Lucas? Who the fuck is Lucas?

"Lucas?" I asked.

Jasmine wiped away her tears and nodded. "They are coming over today. Jason likes Jamie, so Riley brought them over everyday." she explained.

I am a fucking dick.

No shit.

Shut up.

"So Riley was always here?"

Jasmine nodded. "Now she won't come back anymore!" Jasmine scurried up the stairs and slammed the door behind her.

"I messed up." I muttered to myself.

"Yeah, you did." Jason said. I didn't even notice him come down. His expression was dull. He looked like someone just ran over his heart.

Oh wait. That's me.

I broke up with Riley, so now she's going to stop coming over. That means that Lucas and Jamie will stope coming over. So Jason won't see Jamie or Riley anymore.

Mom came down with a crying Jasmine in her arms. Jasmine looked at me and I reached out for her, but she moved away.

"Leave me alone." she muttered. I flinched at the words that had come out of my baby sister's mouth. Mom didn't say anything, she just walked out with Jason and Jasmine without a word.

Then there was one.



Rebecca's POV

"You can't leave!" I exclaimed.

"Yes I can. I have legs and I'm going to use them." Riley spat as she moved past me. She started walking past the forest.

Jessica was frowning. We both jogged up to Riley. "Where will you go?" Jess asked.

"Home. My real home." she grunted. Riley began trudging her way with three suitcases with her.

We didn't stop her. Jessica and I just stood there, watching our friend walk away. "What about Roman?!" Jessica shouted. "Do you not love him anymore?!"

Riley turned around. "I always loved Roman. I still do. But from his perspective, everything was a joke to him. I was his toy. His puppet. Nothing else. Maybe I went about all wrong. Maybe I had the wrong feelings for the wrong person. Guess the feeling wasn't mutual after all."

With that, she turned and walked away, Jessica running after her. I made my way back home.


Roman's POV

Gone. Riley is gone. She's not coming back.

Those were the only words on my friends mind as a read the paper in front of me.

I let a stray tear flow down my face, followed by several others.

Dear Douche-Bag,

       I thought that we would have been perfect together. I was wrong. I thought that you actually loved me. I was wrong again. Every word that you said to me was probably a lie. All the time you said 'I love you', it was a lie.

    I have no idea why I listened. I stayed with you. I loved you. It was a mistake. Our relationship was a mistake.

  Why did Fate bring us together? It was all a mistake. But I'm not making anymore mistakes. I'll leave your life and never come back. I won't do that to myself, or to you.

     And maybe in the end, all those rumors were true. You are heartless, cruel, and dangerous.

      You just might be your father.

-Riley Knight.

My father. She compared me to him. I don't know what hurts most. That she compared me to him, or that she denied our love.

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