Chapter 1

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 "Are you sure you packed everything?" Callie called from the kitchen of Apartment 502.

Her wife rolled her eyes as she brushed her hair in their bedroom.

"Yes, Calliope, I told you that!"

"Are you sure? This isn't going to be like last time right? Because I am not turning around halfway to the airport because you forgot your neck pillow again."

The blonde's eyes widened as she reached into their closet to add her neck pillow to her carry-on.

"I'm sure!" Arizona replied as she grabbed her suitcase and tote bag and brought it into the living room.

"Sofia!" Arizona called to the couple's three year old daughter. "Come on! It's time to go pick up Zola then we'll be on our way to see Mickey!"

The energized toddler bounded into the common area with her Mickey Mouse stuffed animal in her arms.

"Mickey!!!!!" she cried gleefully as Callie helped her put on her rain jacket and Arizona sat down on the couch to help her put on her rain boots.

When their daughter was ready to go, Arizona stood up and kissed her wife on the cheek.

"I'm so happy we could do this for her. After everything we've been through lately, it's..." she trailed off.

"It's been hard, but we've made the most of it. We have each other, we have our beautiful little girl, and we have the opportunity to take her to the happiest place on Earth. We're... we're surviving." Callie said as she squeezed her wife's shoulders and gave her a soft reassuring look.

The trip to Disney was booked six months ago- about two weeks before the plane crash- by Callie, Arizona, Meredith and Derek to celebrate Zola and Sofia's fourth birthdays which were quickly approaching. Originally, Mark and Lexie were planning on coming on the trip too. After much debate after the crash over whether or not the trip should still happen, without Mark and Lexie, with Arizona's rehab schedule and Derek's surgeries, they decided to still go through with it, for Sofia and Zola's sake.

"Time to go!" Callie exclaimed. "Who's ready to go pick up Uncle Derek, Auntie Mer, and Zola then head on our way to Disney World?!"

"Meeeeeee!" the toddler squealed with excitement.

Arizona couldn't help but smile as she grabbed her bags and followed her wife and daughter out the door and into the Seattle rain.


"Hey, hey, hey!" Derek said as he opened the front door to his house. "How's my favorite goddaughter today?"

Sofia smiled as she ran inside and showed him her Mickey Mouse toy.

Meredith held the door open for Callie and Arizona, inviting them inside for a quick drink before they hit the road.

"Zozo! Sofia's here!" Meredith called into the playroom. A couple seconds later, another excited three year old entered the room clutching a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal. The girls began squealing and playing together as their parents opened a bottle of wine.

"We're doing the right thing, right?" Callie asked wearily. She missed Mark and Lexie and knew that the entire trip would be a constant reminder of the two missing people they loved so much.

"Of course we are," Arizona replied. "Every child has to go to Disney World."

"I never did," Meredith stated as she took a sip of her wine.
"And now you're all dark and twisty," Derek pointed out. "You don't want Zola to be dark and twisty, do you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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