Dry your eyes and start believing *Ray x reader*

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"Ugh. Writing is so hard. Why can't I just have a break for once!?" You questioned out loud to yourself. You were writing a new song and you had half of it written, you just couldn't finish it. Ray came up stairs concerned. "Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" Ray questioned me. "I'm fine. Just stressed". You answered  him slightly annoyed. All of a sudden you were in his arms very weak saying "I can't do this Ray. I can't handle this. I'll never be able to have my dream job. I hate myself!" "Shh, shh. None of what you just said is true baby. You can do it. You're just having a hard time right now". You smiled a bit. "Remember what I always tell you when this happens?" Ray asked you. "Dry your eyes and start believing." You answered smiling more now. Ray smiled and hugged you tightly. You guys stayed like that for a while.
Hi guy's so this was pretty okay. I love Ray so much and I feel like he would do something like this so I thought it'd be cute. Make sure to tell me if I made any spelling mistakes! Love you all ❤️

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