Thanks...I guess

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I've been with this Westward bound group for a total of 2 and a half weeks now and I would like to think of them as friends and hope they think the same of me.


The back of the truck was silent all except a few grunts from everyone when we'd hit a bump. The sky was a deep dark blue and the stars shined brightly among it. I sat between 10K and the side of the truck with my back propped up with my bag.

"You asleep yet?" He asked.

"Nope." I answered with a light giggle.  

We were quiet for a bit longer until I finally spoke up.

"So...Why 10K?"

"It's how many Z's I plan to kill." He shrugged.

I nodded and looked back up at the stars.

"Why K-Mart?" He asked breaking my focus on the constellations. 

"It's where I was found when the world fell." I answered as the curiosity in his bright blur green eyes.

He nodded and looked up as well. 

The truck was silent once again. 

"Thank you." I whispered before pecking his cheek.

His eyes grew wide and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. 

"F-for what?"

"For everything. If not for you I'd be laying dead on the side of the road." I said as I leaned against him looking up at the stars. 

I looped my arm under his as we continued pointing out cool stars and just random little thoughts, just enjoying each other's company really. It was nice. Since the world fell I haven't really had time to sit and talk with anyone.

I laid my head on his shoulder as we continued sitting in silence. Soon after I heard a yawn escape his lips as he placed his hand over mine. 

It was a matter of minutes before we both drifted off to sleep.


"Wakey Wakey eggs and Bakey!" Doc chimed shaking us violently.

I let out a groan, swatting at his arm and turned, burying my face in the shoulder of the person next to me to escape the old man's attempts to wake us.

"C'mon kids y'all can cuddle later we gotta go." 

At those words we both sprung up, faces tinted a light pink from his statement.

"We w-were not cuddling." I spat as I slung my legs over the side of the truck. 

"Sure looked like cuddling." Murphy snorted as he took a drink from his water bottle. 


word count:411


Sorry it's short but I am trying to keep a pace and I promise next one should be at least 800 words. I'm just trying to get this all typed up because I'm going to work soon and won't have as much time as I did last summer. I swear it won't take away from the stories I will be working 100% on them I just gotta do stuff. I mean it does take me a total of 3 days to write a chapter.

Anyway bye bye till next time


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