The Bus Ride Home

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You hurried out of your last class to get to your bus. If you weren't there within two minutes of the dismissal bell, it would be so crowded that you'd struggle to find a seat and eventually would have to take a seat with all of the naughty kids in the very back. You've had bad experiences there, including people putting stuff in your hair and unzipping your bag. Naturally, you've developed a habit of pushing through people in the halls in order to get a nice seat in the front.

"Y/n." You heard your name being called by a male voice. You turned your head and realized it was coming from a staff member. You internally grunted, eager to get to your bus. You turned around fully, standing face to face with the tall aged male. "I'd like to talk about your attendance with you sometime, please. Your grades are suffering because of missed assignments." You nodded your head, and he continued talking about when you could meet and you tuned out very quickly. You nodded again when he seemed like he was about to finish speaking and said a swift bye. You turned around, sighing in major annoyance finding the halls basically empty.

You entered your bus and sure enough, while you were walking through the aisle, there was not a single seat open in the front or middle. You had no choice but to go to the back.

People were already throwing items around and you flinched when a sandwich in a bag flung by your face. You saw one seat that only had one person, and quickly sat down. Once you saw who was your bus buddy, your eyes widened in shock.

It was C/n.

He noticed you staring and looked at you, which caused you to clear your throat and glance off in a random direction. He looked down at his phone.

As the bus started moving, C/n got more social. He was standing in his seat talking to his friends that surrounded him. Eventually, a game of truth or dare started on the 35 minute bus ride.

"Okay, you have to answer the truths and do the dares. Or else you have to jump out of the window. Deal?" Woah, C/n got extreme. Nonetheless, everyone agreed with him. The back of the bus was quiet for a moment until you looked up, seeing C/n staring right at you. "Want to play with us?" You choked up for a moment, but muttered a 'sure.'

One of C/n's friends started, "Alright, Derek, truth or dare." A familiar face in the seat across from you answered 'dare.'

The group let out some sinister giggles before C/n's friend said, "Okay, so you know how we have a girl driver today?" He asked, referring to the female substitute bus driver you had. "Go tell her to take her shirt off." The grouped 'ooh-ed' but this Derek guy seemed totally up for the challenge. He immediately got up, walking through the aisle confidently.

"Hey, sit down!" The lady yelled.

Derek interrupted her, screaming, "Shut up and take your shirt off!"

(This actually happened on my friends bus. So not cool.)

You covered your mouth, seeing C/n gasp and start laughing his ass off. Derek returned after the driver was silenced in shock. He sat down with a smug look on his face. "Alright," Derek said, "New girl, truth or dare?"

You tried to stay confident, but you could feel your face flush red. You knew everyone saw it.

Still, you tried to keep up the badass chick act and said, "Dare." Once again, people 'ooh-ed' and looked at you very intently.

"Hm, you look pretty cozy with C/n there. Give him a kiss."

You immediately looked at C/n and he was wide eyed. He straightened his back and looked at you. His friends continued screaming and cheering you on. This is the guy you've liked for a while now, and you were finally getting a chance to kiss him in a game of truth or dare. You took a deep breath and leaned in, resting your lips on C/n's. They were so soft and slightly wet, but you pulled away within a second in order to make it seem like you weren't dying to kiss him. Everyone around the bus was freaking out by now, cheering, "C/n and new girl."

C/n smiled just a tiny bit, and you looked away from him, giving one of his friends a high five. "Dayummmmmmmm." He said.

You continued playing for who knows how long, and most people had left. You looked back at C/n, confused as to why he was still on the bus. You thought you remembered him being the first or second stop. But, it was stop four now, the final one. The sudden look of realization took over him, and he said, "Oh shit."

"Missed your stop?" You said as more of a statement.

"Yeah, damn I don't know how I managed to do that." He said, putting his head in his hands.

"Hey, it's okay." You jokingly stroked his back. "You can come home with me." His head sprung up and faced you.


"Yeah. Then you can text your mom to pick you up or something." His eyes glistened and the stress seemed to fall from his face.

"Okay. Thanks." He flashed you a nice grin and looked out of the window. Soon, the bus stopped and you both left and began on the way to your house. It was a few minute walk, and to avoid an awkward silence, you started a conversation.

"So, do you like our school?" You questioned, slowing your pace to walk side by side with him.

"Meh. The teachers suck but I have some good friends there." You nodded, and he spoke before you could. "You got a boyfriend?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"What do you think?" You smirked at him, and he sent you a flirty gaze.

"Yeah, you definitely do." He looked away and almost looked sad.

"No," You shook your head and he turned his head back at you." I wouldn't have kissed you if I was with someone."

"Oh, that's true. I just assumed you did, 'cause you're kinda hot." You giggled, staring at the cement below you. The blush was creeping up on your cheeks and you tried to hide it. It was quiet until you reached your home, unlocking the front door for the both of you.

"You're cute, C/n." You said once inside your home. You leaned against the closed door.

"You're cuter." He got extremely close to you, but stopped just inches from your face. "But I bet you already knew that." You bit your lips, scanning his face. Agonizingly slow, he leaned in closer and closer until softly touching his lips to yours. He cupped your cheek and gently kissed you. However, you just couldn't take his soft nature. You grabbed him by the collar and he got the message. He roughly smashed his lips against yours and pushed your bodies as close together as physically possible. He grabbed the underside of your thigh and lifted it. He started grinding against you when there was a knock on the door behind you. "Oh shit!" You both screamed. "That must be my mom." He said. You put your heart over your chest in an attempt to calm down.

"Geez, C/n." You said. He grabbed his bag and left, but not before giving you a smirk and a short, passionate kiss on the mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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