Boy Talk

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1st person 

I was listening to music on my walk to school. My favorite song started to play and I sang along. I walked into school, through the halls, until I reached my locker. It was right across from C/n's. Naturally, I glanced over to him. He was leaning against the wall and was on his phone. 'Probably texting another girl' I thought. The first bell rang and I went to my first period. C/n was in that class with me, which is cool since he usually walks near me. Today though, he was right next to me. Glancing just to my left, there he was. We were walking side by side. I debated saying something to him, but the time was cut too short when we reached the door to the classroom. He half-ran up to it, for the sole reason of opening it for me. I was a little surprised, but said thanks and walked in.

He walked RIGHT behind me, he was nearly touching me. We separated to go to our seats. 

The teacher explained class for the day, and put us in groups. Unfortunately, I wasn't with C/n. But, he was with all of his close friends. His group and mine both got to work in the hall. 

"Alright so I'm thinking we use war as our topic and maybe involve children in that somewhere? I don't know." My group members were talking about my project, when suddenly I heard my name. But it wasn't from them. It was from around the corner. I silently slipped away from my group, and walked towards where C/n's group was. I felt strange, but I listened in anyways.

"Y/n is so hot dude I'd do her all night." I was shocked at the words, but couldn't recognize the voice. I listened more intently.

"Yeah me too. She has a nice ass." I felt my face heat up. People think about me like that? I felt a little bit gross, and wanted to leave, but then I distinctly heard C/n's voice.

"Y/n Y/n Y/n. She has nice everything. I'm gonna bang her first though, mark my words."

"Hey Y/n." I heard my group member's voice and whipped my head towards them. "Is something wrong?" I shook my head. 

"No it's okay." I walked back to them and was unable to think clearly. Is that all they think of me as? Just something to bone? 

That class went by slowly and was oh so boring. All I could think of was what C/n and his friends said.

I didn't see C/n again until lunch. Usually, he sits at my table. Today wasn't any different. I avoided making eye contact with him. Unfortunately, I said him slide over so he was directly in front of me.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked. I just stared down at my plate. "Y/n? Yoohoo." he chuckled, but I just shook my head. He called my name again, but I interrupted him.

"C/n, stop." I said plainly. I looked up at him finally. He looked hurt. He reached out to touch my hand, but I stood up and went to another table with my plate. He followed me. 

"What happened?" C/n asked so innocently. 

"I think you know." He just stared at me, confused. 

"I really don't. just tell me, please." 

"Fine," I sat up straight and looked him in the eye, taking a deep breath, "I heard what you said about me."

"When?" he asked.

"This morning. First period."

"Umm," he scratched the back of his head.

"When you were with your friends."

"Oh that?" I nodded. "You're angry about that?"

"I just thought you were better than that. I thought you wanted girls for more than just sex."

"Y/n, I do. It's was just jokes with my friends, I promise." He looked genuinely sorry. "I actually think you're pretty great Y/n. Not just for what you look like. You're sweet, caring, and are just cool to be with. I'm really sorry I said those things about you. I actually really like you." 

I smiled against my will. "I actually like you, too." He leaned in to give me a small peck. His friends weren't there to cheer him on, it was just us staring into each other's eyes. And instantly I forgave him.

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